|| THE RAID ||

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Jungkook's POV

No one can fulfill our expectations we knew that thing but we still expect shits from people, that perfectly means that we're allowing ourselves to feel that emotion.

I finally decided to search for them. After cleaning the guns and arranging them to leave for the search, anytime needed.

I heavily sighed and picked up my motorcycle key before wearing the bulletproof vest and attaching the holster. I put my pocket knife and picked up the assault rifle machine gun. This will do the thing. I won't spare any of them.

Lastly, I put on the earpiece, in case they try to contact.

I locked my room and glanced over the way. Clear.

As I was about to walk past the parking, I heard Hoseok shouting 'everyone Namjoon's calling you out for a meeting.'

Its too late. "I'm sorry." I muttered before putting on the helmet and driving off.

I've visited there before so I know the way.

Naina's POV

The man was about to scream but I covered his mouth. Phew.. I don't think they heard us. "Hey!! look they both escaped!" A man at the front door shouted. Or I guess not. Shit.

"Seokjin you'll be ok right?" I asked holding his hand.

"Yeah, I think." He replied. "Then Let's do it." I squeezed his hand before running for a chaos.

1..2..3..4 "I'll take off four and you take the other two off!" I shouted as Seokjin rushed behind me.

I pulled the trigger before aiming it and firing but they dodged it. I slid the knife past a man's neck. It's a good thing that they don't have any sort of weapon right now.

I kicked the other's crotch before firing at the third man and the last man raised his hand in surrender. "S-spare me please, I'll let you leave.."

But before I could reply, he fell on the ground, revealing Seokjin behind, pointing his gun forward. Great!!

"Goodness Seokjin, I didn't thought you were that good." I complemented.

"It's the situation right now." He replied before grabbing my hand and firing at another man who was behind me.

"Let's not waste time.. There are more." He whispered.

As he did, the building's lift swung opened revealing a bunch of men with..weapons.

"I think there're many..?" I slightly turned to Seokjin as he nodded. He didn't express but I could see his eyes trembling in fear, though the same thing was running on me. We rushed into the chaos once again.

Namjoon's POV

"Jungkook..HE'S NOT IN HIS ROOM!" Jimin entered the meeting room. "And I checked the parking in case, but his motorcycle's gone.." Jimin panted.

"What!? Hoseok check the security camera- nvm no, he must've left for the mansion. Hoseok track him down and try to contact him, others get their weapons, we know the plan. Let's head out." I instructed and brushed my hair before leaving the room. God there could be many of Yong-Hae's men how could he go there alone?

"The men are ready." Taehyung informed as he made his way to the driver seat.

"Then Let's leave."

Everyone took their seats and Tae drove us. "Joon, I got the track of Jungkook and he's wearing his earpiece." Hoseok informed in my earpiece.

"Is it?"


Jungkook's pOV

I parked my bike at the other end of the mansion and sneakily walked towards the backdoor.

No one's here. I climbed up the wall and threw the grappling hook at the window of the first floor.

I climbed up the hook and hammered the glass pane. It wasn't a room, it was a side way that lead towards many room. As I was following my steps, someone shouted in my earpiece. "JUNGKOOK WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEFT ALONE!?" Shit.

Should I take it off? Or reply to him? I think I sh- "Jungkook I can see you, look at your back outside the window, the camera over the electric tower." Hoseok said, making me shiver. "Huh?" Not now..

"Yeah..?" I replied bluntly turning my head back and following my steps again.

"Just be careful, I can't guide you." He said before cutting off the line.

Fuck all this hid and seek. I'll fucking raid this building!! I ran through the sideway taking out the machine gun and the hammer in my other hand.

A man, probably guarding the lift, spotted me. He had a gun. I didn't hesitate and fired at him. And within a second he collapsed on the floor. That's what why I like this type of guns. I made my way towards the lift but high footsteps bounced behind me. I quickly turned around to see a bunch of men taking their positions. FUCKING CAMERAS! I glanced over at the other end to see a camera hanging there. Why's that Yong-Hae guy that wild? A bunch of men just for one guy?

I positioned myself as they ran towards me. Aimed and fired. Creeps fucking die at one go.

The bullet passed many of them, dropping them on the ground and now some of them were way too close. I swung my hammer in the air and hit one of their head as the other tried slicing my side, I hit in his face forcefully from the back of the gun. I kicked the one attacking infront of me. I crouched down and dodged their attack. Luckily there wasn't anyone with any gun or pistol. Suddenly a bullet past by my left and hit the other man. Why the fuck my guess is always wrong? I fired at the man with the pistol and someone suddenly harshly punched my backbone from behind me, making me feel dizzy. I slammed the hammer in his head and hit it repeatedly until that freak die, bleeding.

Clear? I reloaded the gun before another dozen of men showed up. Not again!! This bitches won't let me rest a bit. I heavily sighed before putting the gun back in and taking out the knife in the one hand and positioning the hammer on the other.

"COME OVER!!" I shouted before made my way to the chaos.

I slid past one of them and sliced his arm. I swung my hammer and hit other man's head infront of me. I crouched down and hit another's leg and made his fall down as he did I put my feet on his back and squeezed it tightly. As a man tried attacking me from the front, I stabbed the knife at his neck. In no time, another freak sliced my arm. I clutched onto my arm causing me go off guard and he took the opportunity and kicked my stomach, making me flinch backwards. 5 remaining of a bunch. I swung my hammer with all my force which landed on his head.

And kicked him, which threw him stumbling to the ground, but someone punched my face from the side, busting my lower lip, I winced. I stabbed the knife in his abdomen, but I couldn't take it out again as the other man sliced my right cheek. I screamed as he landed a punch in my stomach. Made me totally exhausted now.

He landed another punch leading me to drop the hammer. Then the guy I stabbed below his abdomen, grabbed my arm and twisted it backwards. "You..you literally need a..dozen of your friends to..to beat me up?" I got to make it out, panting before my head hung low out of exhaustion.

to beat me up?" I got to make it out, panting before my head hung low out of exhaustion

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