|| MOVE ||

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"Seems like you missed me." Jungkook picked me up and hugged me.

"Ofcourse I did." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Where's Tae?" I asked him.

"He's dealing with the remaining two." Jungkook replied.

"Guy's i'm here too. Anyways what should we do with this lot?" Jimin asked, taking small careful steps towards the men laying on the floor either knocked out or dead.

"Well, you managed the situation quite well." Jimin patted my shoulder and smiled.

"Wait, you're not hurt anywhere right? They didn't harras you or force you did they? Or maybe they're your father's men!?" Jungkook questioned, gripping onto my shoulders and examining me up and down.

"Gosh Jungkook, stop checking me out." I chuckled lightly pushing him away.

"Naina, they did nothing to you right?" Jimin asked sternly.

"They didn't but I did hurt them. The worst was a kick to my stomach, but i'm fine." I smiled reassuring both of them that all was fine.

"That's a relief, next time.. No there won't be a next time, I won't ever leave you ok?" Jungkook sighed onto his hands.

"I will call in some men to take this men to the chamber and dispose off the others." Jimin suggested, kneeling down besides the men.

"Guys is everyone ok!?" Taehyung showed up strolling down the stairs and approaching us.

"Yeah, everything's ok. What about you?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah I did beat those men. Now, Let's head back to the mansion, it's isn't safe to stay out here any longer." Taehyung suggested, directing the way back to the car.

The car drive to home was mostly silent as the four of us were thinking of an explanation for Namjoon.

Once we arrived back home, Jungkook pulled me aside.

"Stay behind me ok? This was our fault, not yours." He whispered before striding through the large doors.

"I'll take the blame Jungkook, it's all happening because of me." I muttered.

"Let's just see what Joon has to say." Jimin added.

We strolled through the hall ways, four of us were sweating buckets. Namjoon won't go easy on us.. definitely not in a situation like this..

We reached the office door and Taehyung clutched the handle.

Inside Namjoon was walking across the room, one hand in his pocket and other under his chin.

"NAINA THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE ALIVE AND WELL!!" Namjoon shouted before pulling me into a hug.

"Erm Joon..I..can't breath."

"Sorry Nain, I was just worried sick that you got kidnapped.. And I couldn't stop thinking about you." Namjoon sighed as he rubbed his temples.

"Namjoon, actually it was my fault.." Jungkook looked down.

"No it was mine.. I should've checked on her once." Jimin sighed.

"Yah, it's my fault I should've led Naina to the shop with us.." Taehyung covered his face.

"It was none of their fault, My father's men tried to attack them because of me.."

"You dealt with those quite well, good work all of you. Jimin call the others down in 40minutes for a meeting and get some rest yourself, Tae, Jungkook and Jimin. Nain we need to talk." Namjoon said.

•𝚃𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙴//𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙺𝙾𝙾𝙺•Where stories live. Discover now