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Hey readers! Watch the above video as a teaser, I created it for you to understand the chapter better:)


I woke up from a light nap and had a quick shower before changing into a new dress Namjoon had bought for me just for this mission we were going on today.

I wore a rosewater coloured gown made of soft satiny fabric, long and loose that reached down my ankles.

And packed my local mission dress to change on.

"Namjoon had some taste haha." I laughed before exiting my room.

I was about to head to Jungkook's room then Jimin called my name from back.

I turned around to see Jimin and Taehyung marching out of Jimin's room.

Taehyung was wearing a black shirt and a maroon waistcoat topped of with a maroon blazer.

Jimin was wearing a grey suit with white strips and a white shirt along with a matching grey tie.

"What's up with you two? Trying to impress someone?" I teased.

"I've got to look good to bribe the chairman's daughter.. Besides I can ask you the same." Jimin scoffed leaning his hands on my shoulder.

"No way, I belong to kook, as if i'd fall for someone after knowing what his response will be.." I chuckled taking off Jimin's arm off my shoulder.

"You must be deeply in love." Jimin teased.

"He's right though, you two seem to forget everything around you ones you'll be together." Taehyung joined in.

"Not you too tae!!" I laughed, causing them to laugh as well.

"Ok Let's get going, Jungkook must be waiting whilst we can't be late to the gala." Taehyung suggested and we followed him to the parking.

As expected, Jungkook was already there leaning his back against the car. He was wearing a long grey coat with black turtle neck inside and hands in his pockets.

I threw my bag at the back and we settled down then drove off.

"I've never been to a gala before.." I sighed. Thinking of being around a lots of people, not mentioning that my father was still out there on the hunt for me.

"Don't be nervous ok? Just stay somewhere near me and you'll be fine." Jungkook reassured me.

I nodded and held his hands.


After around an hour, we made it to the venue where the gala for the chairman's daughter was being held.

"Ok, before we head inside Let's revise on the plan. I'll seduce the chairman's daughter after ones I gave the signal, you guys will follow us to the chairman's house. Then Jungkook and Naina will do their work of assassinating the chairman while Taehyung will stay behind and signel us about the surrounding." Jimin explained and we all nodded.

"If anything happens to any of us, we'll retaliate." Taehyung stated.

"We should go in." Jimin and Taehyung left.

"We should head inside too, don't forget to stay near me all the time, don't want you to get hurt." Jungkook smiled.

We both walked through the gala entrance, checked in and strolled into the vast ball room.

Being there was just magnificent. Gold chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling and large glass panes lined across the patterned walls, letting the evening moon light seep into the room.

•𝚃𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙴//𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙺𝙾𝙾𝙺•Where stories live. Discover now