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"My sweet daughter, was it really necessary to make you chase you down?" The monster cackled, slowly approaching the car we were in.
Do we really look like in a state to fight?

I pulled out the knife and glanced around the car, Jungkook was staring at the back too then he turned and faced me. "Don't get hurt.." He muttered whilst taking out his gun.
He looked so exhausted and was in pain what do I do??
I turned around to face Seokjin. His hand that covered his injured ear was painted in red. My lips twitched looking at his pained state.

"Jungkook.. Let me do it myself-" I panted "-you don't look in a state to fight-"

"So do you." He cut me off. "Don't worry we'll cover up, Just take care of Seokjin."

As he finished I turned again and looked at Seokjin. "Seokjin, we'll deal with Yong-Hae, in the mean time try to get as far as possible. We'll cover for you." I whispered, taking off my watch to lock it onto his wrist.

Seokjin shook his head. "Are you crazy!?" He refused.

I glanced back at Jungkook and he nodded. "This is.. Look we'll stall him from doing anything. Ok just stay in the car and take cover. You were injured already and now your ear- to fight or anything." Jungkook suggested poking forward.

"It's ok i'll take cover under the dashboard until Joon and other arrives. Don't you dare-"

Seokjin was about to finish his sentence when we were rudely interrupted with a loud bang of a gun. Can't they just use a silencer? Is it that expensive? The bullet ripped through the rear mirror of right side. My eyes lit up and I gulped.

"Naina get out of the fucking car before I shoot again." Yong-Hae bellowed. I glanced at Jungkook before I was about to leap out of the car when Seokjin pulled me back by wrist by his bloody hand that stained my arm. "Don't..do something stupid."

I nodded, slipping my wrist out of his grasps and stepped out of the car.

I standby the car before Jungkook showed up infront of me and stared directly to Yong-Hae with icy eyes.

Then I dragged myself towards Yong-Hae. The knife clutched tightly in my grasp. The cold evening winds brushed violently passed my face, ravaging my hair.

"Why are you doing this?" I said monotonously, glaring at the man.

"To take you back to where you belong. As your father I need to guide you to live the best life possible, no?" Yong-Hae replied, a devilish smirk smothered up in his revolting face.

"I'm gonna kill you!!" Jungkook screamed pulling his gun and positioning at that bastard 's head.

I gasped as he did, all of Yong-Hae's men covering around, pointed their gun on Jungkook. "Stop!!" I shouted.

The bastard cackled, clearly fascinated by all this. "Oh.. Mr.. Um what was your name? Yes, Jeon Jungkook. Nice to see you again my future son-in-law." He laughed sarcastically before signalling his men to put their gun down but Jungkook was still pointing his gun on Yong-Hae.

"Jungkook, it's no need." I muttered.

"But that man.. Naina got hurt because of you, Seokjin got hurt because of you and now Joon and others are gonna get hurt Just because of you.. I can't let go. I'LL KILL YOU!!" He yelled at Yong-Hae the last sentence loud, taking a step closer towards him.
And he got hurt because of that freak though.

I Immediately grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Sung Naina, you never fail to amaze me even when you were young. I'm sure your mother would love to see the state of her child right now, our child. Sure, kill me right now but don't forget that i'm your blood father and nothing can succeed that. Not even those mere shits calling themselves Bangtan you seem to be overly obsessed with." He said gesturing towards Jungkook and brushing his hair back in a conceited manner.

•𝚃𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙴//𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙺𝙾𝙾𝙺•Where stories live. Discover now