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Naina's POV

I was in Hoseok's hacking room with everyone else, waiting for Jungkook to put the tracker to give signal to the nearby cctv of Yong-Hae's mansion.

"I got the signal!" Hoseok informed.

"Good, now check there what's going on." Namjoon addressed.

"Jungkook, are you there? Is something wrong? Why aren't you saying anything?" Yoongi asked in Jungkook's ear comm.

"Jungkook isn't responding? Hoseok quickly check Jungkook's location and try to connect with him." Namjoon stated.

"Oh no.. Namjoon, his location seems inside the mansion." Hoseok replied.

"What!?" I panicked and ran towards the monitor.

"Don't worry he'll be fine, now Hoseok you check the cctv recording of last 1 hour." Namjoon instructed.

10 minutes passed out when Hoseok was checking, all of us were worried sick.

"Okay.. We know that, maybe Yong-Hae won't do anything to Jungkook as he knows that he'll lose his chance of getting Naina back. He must've locked Jungkook somewhere or maybe he's torturing Jungkook." Namjoon stated rubbing his temples.

"Let's not waste anytime and discuss on the plan to get Jungkook back." Yoongi you'll get there with Jimin and try not to make others notice you. I and Seokjin will be in the van outside-"

"Guys!! I got the right footage here, take a view." Hoseok shouted.

And we all dashed towards the monitor.

I saw them harrasing Jungkook, he was on his knees, handcuffed and Yong-Hae was infront of him. Then they took him inside the mansion. Jungkook why did you do that!? I cried.

"Hoseok can you provide us the layout of the building." Namjoon asked while Jimin pulled me into a hug, to calm me down.

"Yeah, just a minute." Hoseok replied.

"Guys.." Yoongi muttered signalling towards the door.

"What?" Seokjin asked turning his head to the door.

"Dad.." Namjoon said.

"What happend here? Maybe I can help." Uncle responded closing the door behind.

"J-Jungkook..they took Jungkook." I cried.

"That bastard came this far!?" Uncle clenched his fist.

"Don't worry Nain, Jungkook will be fine." Jimin patted my head.

"Hoseok, you take your time and I'll be discussing it with my dad, in the mean time others can rest if they want." Namjoon said before walking with his dad and leaving us in the room.

An hour later

I was worried-shaking at the thought of losing Jungkook. I couldn't wait anymore. I ran down the hallway and made my way to Namjoon's office, thankfully he wasn't there. I took one of the car key and walked to Hoseok's room, as expected he was too busy in searching the layout of the mansion that he couldn't noticed that I entered his room. I took a photo of the digital map to Yong-Hae's mansion and left the room. I sneaked outside through the back door and sprinted towards the car. I'm sorry Namjoon but I can't leave Jungkook die alone, i've to save him.

I turned on the ignition key and drove off. Please be ok Jungkook.

Once I reached the white building gleaming in the evening sun light, my heart was doing gymnastics in my chest. At first glance it just looked like another tall establishment, but the knowledge of the kind of people inside makes me feel neurotic.

•𝚃𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙴//𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙺𝙾𝙾𝙺•Where stories live. Discover now