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Naina and Seokjin were nowhere to be seen on the rooftop.

"Fuck.." I grumbled before running to the edge and peering over.

But there was nothing significant down there either.

"This is all my fault.. They've been kidnapped because of me."

My body started trembling with both anger and worry.
They must've not gotten far.. They couldn't have..

However I turned around I saw something slightly glistening in the dark.

I carefully approached it and picked it up before dropping it back down.

"A syringe?" I questioned, crouching down and observing a blue liquid substance that trailed towards the empty syringe.

"They drugged them? So that's how they're playing this game!" I yelled in annoyance.

Angrily, I crushed the syringe beneath my brogue shoes. "They're gonna fucking pay those little shits." I growled under my breath.


Everyone gathered around the large meeting table. Down hearted expressions plastered all over their faces.

The whole night was full of panic and chaos. No one got any ounce of sleep or rest.

"Right then, Hoseok and Taehyung have any of you found anything?" I asked.

"I haven't manage to track them down via cameras, nor any hints at who tampered with the audio systems. But It would probably their mansion." Hoseok replied before sitting down.

Last night, someone had blocked audio connections somehow which is why I wasn't able to communicate with Hoseok.

"Hoseok, I need the whole map of his mansion, the 3d view once and handover the paper map to each of us." I instructed.

"I covered as much ground as possible but got nothing. I just saw the cars taking left turns, must be the mansion." Taehyung sighed.

"Well keep trying." I looked at Jungkook whose eyes were still watery and was looking down slamming his fist tightly on the table.

"We need to get ready to raid down fast." I stated.

"And how exactly we're going to do that?" Yoongi questioned.

The whole room then fell into silence as we all tried to think and process any sort of plan.

That's when it hit me, the ring.
I clicked my fingers, gaining everyone's attention.

"Was Naina wearing a ring yesterday?" I asked everyone but then looking at Jungkook specifically who was with her before yesterday's plan initiated.

"I.. I can't seem to remember." Jungkook muttered, scrunching his face.

I let out a sigh of frustration. We were getting no where with this. Who knows what they're doing to either of them as we speak.

Suddenly, Jungkook shot up on his seat and his eyes widened.

"Just as Seokjin and Naina were heading up, I briefly encountered them and if I remember correctly she waved at me last time before heading up and i'm sure she was wearing that black and silver ring which Hoseok gave her." He exclaimed.

"Black and silver ring.. That's got to be the one! Hoseok you know what to do.." I instructed.

Immediately, Hoseok stood up and left the room as he headed down to the basement.

•𝚃𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙴//𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙺𝙾𝙾𝙺•Where stories live. Discover now