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"I'm Jung Hoseok. Nice to see you Naina." He smiled.

"Uh-eh H-Hi.." I replied nervously looking at his twinkling eyes.

"Stop bothering her Hoseok!" jimin muttered entering the front passenger seat.

"I wasn't!" Hoseok replied bluntly.

Jimin sighed then told hoseok to start driving.

I looked out of the window,glancing over the things that I was going to leave forever.

I smiled then felt a sharp stab of pain through my heart.

Jimin's POV

The drive to the mansion was a long one. I scrolled through my phone until I looked at the rear mirror.Naina was looking down at the floor her hands shaking.

I turned around and asked her.

"Hey you ok?"

Both her and Hoseok looked at me.

Hoseok looked at me me smirking and Naina glared at me confused.

"Ah-yeah..I'm okay just a little tired." she replied. I nodded at her.

"We still have a long way back you can go sleep if you want."

"Okay." she replied.

Hoseok snorted then coughed. I lifted my eyebrow at him which made him turn the other way.

"Oh-and there you must be thirsty." I said passing a water bottle to her.

"Thanks." she replied with a small reassuring smile.

Naina's POV

I took a few sips of water and put the bottle aside.

I rested my head on the seat and slowly drifted to sleep.


"Naina. Hey Naina!!" jimin whisper shouted.

"Mm what is it?" I replied half asleep.

"We're here!"

Those two words instantly woke me up.

I hurried out of the car clutching my bag and the water bottle.

"Here let me carry it." Hoseok said after locking the car.

"Ah no its okay don't worry ab-" He took my bag before I could finish the sentence. He chuckled at my reaction.

"Follow me." He said and so I did.

We were following jimin who was walking very proudly. Hands in his pocket and head high.

I looked up at the building which stood right in front of us.

The grand mansion towered over us proudly. Vines grew on the colossal pillars and the evening light hit the grey roof.

 Vines grew on the colossal pillars and the evening light hit the grey roof

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