|| ESCAPE ||

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I glanced around the room once again, holding the bars. Yong-Hae's advisors had successfully kidnapped us back from the rooftop during the night of the gala. He and his men had attacked us from behind by injecting us with drugs which made us fall unconscious. However, now we had no clue how to break free.

"Do you think the others will find us.. before erm we possibly die?" I asked, anxious to hear his answer.

"Lets have hope, but are you hurt anywhere? They hit you pretty hard earlier." Seokjin frowned.

"I'm fine besides I should be asking you that." I replied with concerned eyes.

He smiled warmly and nodded. Our little moment was cut off when we could hear the sound of thudding footsteps approaching us.

I quickly hid my knife under my sleeves. "Naina listen to me, act unconscious!" Seokjin advised, his eyelids dropping as he slumped back down.

I followed his instructions and awaited the entrance of the people.

Suddenly the dissonent sound of the wooden door swinging open run in my ears.

"They're still out cold, should we let the boss know?" One of the men spoke.

"Why waste time when we have these beautiful tasers to wake them up? And you already know how fucking impatient the boss is InSu." The other man spoke up. As I tightened the grip on my knife.

"Yes it gets on my nerves sometimes anyways whom we're tasering first hyo?" InSu spoke in an excited manner.

"Let's wake her up over there but don't overdo it or else we'll get slaughtered by the boss." Hyo said as he truged across the room and picked up the cell key hanging on the wall.

I carefully opened my eyes slightly to see the two guys. I couldn't tell who was who but both of them were playing around with their tasers and cackling away until the loud buzzing sound of tasers echoed within the walls of the room and silenced the two men.

I flinched at the sound and squirmed back in my seat. I had no intentions of being tased there and then.

A taller more broad man swung opened the cell door and trudged towards me with the taser somewhat vibrating in his hand.

Abruptly, my eyes shot wide open. I looked straight ahead of me to see Seokjin looking back at me with his eyes shaking.

I slightly moved my palm closer. And Seokjin nodded signalling me to attack any of the time.

"Oh my, it looks as though both of the captives were already awake." The shorter man spoke. He took a few steps closer to Seokjin and flicked his forehead which made Seokjin wince.

I didn't hesitate and pulled out my knife before stabbing it in the man's shoulder, he screamed in pain. Seokjin kicked him back which made him throw his weapon and fall on the ground with a thud.

"Hyo!! What the fuck did you do you bitch!?" Another man, probably InSu yelled as he ran towards my direction.

I slid down past him and sliced his thigh. He screams but dashes back to me slicing my shoulder. I clutched my shoulder, in no time he positioned his knife and ran to me, I crouched down and dodged his attack. I stood up and held his leg twisting it which made him off guard. Immediately I slid my knife past his pulse in the neck. Blood spewed out as InSu clutched his neck and fell on the ground.

"Hey you bitch take a look here!" Someone yelled behind me. I turned around to see the man, pointing a sharp edged knife, almost a centimeter apart from Seokjin's neck who was clutching on the man's hands to remove the knife. I gasped and covered my mouth as my eyes grew wide.

"Well i'm not very good at holding back so I'll just toy around with the boy, should I?" Hyo smirked wickedly.

Seokjin was trying recklessly to remove his hand, scrunching his face backwards.

Namjoon even told me that Seokjin knows minor attacks and tricks but occasionally he goes pale from fear since he was never exposed to the center of any violent activities mafias were involved in as he was only a medic. And it made me even more anxious and I had to stop this from proceeding further.

"STOP THIS!" I bellowed and positioned my knife.

"No, don't even think about doing that or else your boyfriend over here won't be able to see you again. Drop your weapon." Hyo growled moving the knife closer to Seokjin's neck.

"STOP!! I-I'll drop it." I said putting away the knife and raising my hands in surrender.

As I did Hyo removed the knife off Seokjin's neck and moved towards me and grabbed my hair, entangling the strands round his dirty fingers before pulling it back violently. I flinched as my head slammed against the rigid surface causing my head to pound even more. My eyes grew wide before I clutched my head and shut my eyes tightly.

My vision got slight blurry but I can see Seokjin sneaking behind the man's back with a knife, ready to stab. As he swung the knife which was ought to land on the man's head but he missed it and Hyo instantly turned around and pointed his knife to Seokjin again.

As I caught him off guard I grabbed his hand twisted it backwards. Hyo screamed in pain and rapidly turned back slicing my cheek. Just about missing my left eye.

"Don't think that I won't be able to strap you up again and this time I'll fucking drill you in one go!" He screeched.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Seokjin bellowed before he stabbed the man's stomach from back.

The man's eye grew wide. Again I picked up the knife and rammed it into him, blood splattered everywhere. At this rate he'd bleed to death.

I moved towards InSu and without any sort of hesitation, I stab his abdomen not once but twice to make sure he was dead.

After I did I turned to Seokjin and instantly dropped the knife before running towards him and pulling him into a tight hug.

"You're ok right?" I asked with a worried tone.

"I'm, but Naina your face.." He whispered, as hw brush the bloody cut. I took his hand off and held it.

"Don't worry it's not a deep wound, just a graze. Besides what's more important is that we need to leave wherever we are and find some sort of help." I reassured him and he nodded.

I picked up my knife and took a pistol displayed on the wall with a bunch of bullets and kept it in my pocket. I handed one of the guns to Seokjin and reassured him that he can do it, though he knows the basics.

I grabbed Seokjin's hand before climbing up the stairs and now I remembered that it was the same place where they hid Jungkook, the storeroom. I informed Seokjin that we were inside Yong-Hae's mansion and there could be his men on our way from which we should stay aware of.

Namjoon's POV

I closed my laptop shut and sighed into my sweaty palms.

Suddenly Hoseok barged the door and showed up.

"Namjoon, I got the signal.. her ring." Hoseok panted. "And I printed the map one for each, you can come and watch out the 3d detail." Hoseok informed.

"Well done!" I punched through the air.

"Arrange everyone to the meeting room." I took my phone and left the office with Hoseok.

Today's the day when I finally kill you off, Uncle.

Today's the day when I finally kill you off, Uncle

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