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"I love you too! PLEASE BE OK!!" I cried.

I hugged her.."you've to stay with with me!!"

Namjoon and others arrived.

"Jungkook, you shouted too loud! what happ-" Namjoon's eye widened.

"Nainaa!!" He screamed.

"What the fuck happened here!?" Yoongi crouched down.


We reached the hospital. "Oh my god.. She's bleeding way too much, we've to get her treated quick!!" The nurse shouted.

"Bring her this way!" She addressed.

"Please be ok.." I was holding her hand.

"Sir, you've to leave." The nurse said.

"Let's go Jungkook.. Trust me. She'll be ok." Jimin pulled me out of the room.

"Sir, are you her guardian?" The other nurse asked me.

"Um..n- I mean yess." I replied.

"Can you come and fill in some paper work?" She asked.

"Jungkook your clothes are strained with blood, you've to get treated too, you're not ok right now. Don't worry Joon will fill the paperwork." Jimin said.

2 days later

Naina's POV

When I gained some consciousness, I was lying down on something. As I slowly opened my eyes, I realised I was in a bed in a hospital room. My head and back hurts, and my arm was sore.

I observed the room and then my eyes shifted to my left, I saw Jungkook whose hand was intertwined with mine and he was sitting on the side table, sleeping with his head on the bed.

I felt weak and my back hurts but i tried to remember everything. I slightly took a view of Jungkook, he looked pale and weak like he haven't slept from nights.

I felt back on my bed due to the pain, which made him wake up.

He slowly opened his eyes and made his head up to look at me.

His eyes widened and he just stared at me for seconds, eyes getting watery and then..

..He hugged me.

"You're ok!!" He cried.

And I remembered the thing, we were on a mission and my father's men attacked us, we got separated while running, Jungkook found me and I ran to him then a truck hit me and I blacked out.

I hugged him back. " I thought I lose you.."

"I missed you so much.." I pulled back and cupped his face.

"I couldn't live without you.. and I was an idiot to run past you! It all happend because of me and in front of me! I almost lose you.." He covered his face.

•𝚃𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙴//𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙺𝙾𝙾𝙺•Where stories live. Discover now