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Watch the above video to imagine and understand better from chapter-29 till the last one, I've/will mentioned all of the scenes<3


"Stop saying nonsence. If..if you won't leave with me I'm gonna kill myself for that!" I cried.

"Don't worry, we'll leave this hell together." Seokjin replied with a soft smile and lend his hand to me for me to stand up.

Soon the lift stopped and we arrived to the third floor, eventually the door opened.

Revealing Jungkook with a machine gun, arriving from the stairs. Blood flowing down his forehead, scratches of knife, aches of punches ans kicks and A BIG SCRATCH IN HIS RIGHT CHEEK!? I meanWhy!?!?

As he looked up and our eyes met.
"Naina." He muttered as a tear rolled down his cheek.

I don't want anything, just..just you and you. I don't want to let go of this, I just want to look into your eyes, to go lost in them forever.

When life betrayed me, when people hurted me, when situation broke me, when pain shattered me, you stood for me.
You looked at me just like a setting sun looks at the ocean waves before meeting, You held me like a fragile peice of broken glass.

They say we fall in love but with you I RISE IN LOVE. I hope this feeling never ends.

He threw his gun away and ran towards me. I dropped the knife before running back to him. And just like this we meet face to face again.

"Jungkook!!" I screamed happily, unable to control myself.

I tip-toed before reaching to him and hugging him tightly whilst crying as hard as I've never before. He returned his embrace and I could feel his tears against the crook of my neck.

For a few seconds we just stayed like that and sobbed under each other's hold.

When I opened my eyes I saw Jimin arriving from the same staircase, followed by Yoongi and Namjoon behind they look pale too.

After a getting a sort of comfort from Jungkook, I pulled back and stared directly into his puffly red eyes as my right hand made its way to the cut in his cheek and I felt Jungkook's hand in my left cheek, rubbing the cut I got from that bastard who locked us in the chamber room.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concerned eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked at the same time.

I chuckled under my breath with both happiness and sorrow which led us to this deadly mess.

Jungkook rubbed my tears rolling down before pulling me back into another hug, but this time light and comforting.

I dig my head in his chest as he rubbed my back calmly. I want to stay like this forever with you, comforting me. Please stay by my side even if the world decline.
Carrying this heavy heart in the darkness alone, I'll give you all of it the day you'll be mine.

I pulled back and rubbed his tears before Seokjin approached us and handed me the knife, that I dropped behind.

"Naina and Seokjin are you okay!?" Jimin Immediately rushed towards us and scanned us head to toe with concerned eyes, followed by Namjoon and Yoongi.

"God this bastards will pay for this! Look what they've done to you." Yoongi muttered.

"You need to get treated soon, I'm glad Seokjin made it, it's the first time you're doing this right? And you're are safe and alive." Namjoon sighed in relief before giving a light hug to Seokjin and me.

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