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Jimin's POV

We dealt with the guys at the front entrance and walked through the footway. Taehyung and Namjoon's dad went to the 10th floor, Yong-Hae's office, to deal with that bastard.

As we were about to enter the building-

"Namjoon!! Take a look at that window in the left corner!" I held Joon's shoulder and pointed towards the window. I saw Jungkook fighting with some of Yong-Hae's men and he looked so exhausted.

Suddenly a loud sound of glass crackling buzzed in our ears. Someone fall on the ground, breaking out of the window with a loud thud and blood spewed out of their head, and the broken pieces of glass flew all over by heavy wind, causing us to cover our faces. Must be Jungkook's doing.

"WHAT THE HELL JUNGKOOK!?" Namjoon shouted as he signalled us to follow him.

"Whoever you see on our way, Just shoot them." Namjoon instructed whilst running and positioning his gun.

Jungkook's POV

"Shut up or else you'll die r-" the man infront of me couldn't complete as I kicked him with all my force, which threw him over the window, forcefully cracking the glass with a loud sound, causing me to threw my head back as the glass pieces scattered all over.

The man who was holding back to me, I tried kicking him backwards but now I was too exhausted to do that.

In no time he pulled out the knife, which I stabbed him and pointed it on me.

I held his hand and tried to stop it, as he was pushing it right infront of my head.

He kicked me few times to remove my hands, I kicked him back but it was no use, he didn't wince an inch. I shut my eyes tight to just hold his hand with all the energy I had to avoid the knife. As there was no other way.

Suddenly a bang sound a gun shot! barged my ears. I felt his hold getting lower, I opened my eyes to see the knife in my hand and the man lying over the floor, with a gunshot in his chest with a pool of blood beneath him.

I looked up and saw Namjoon pointing his gun forward, same did Yoongi and Jimin ran towards me and held my collar, I dropped the knife.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU MADE IT HERE ALONE!?" Jimin shouted, pulling me forward by my collar.


"Look at you now, you've almost died if we hadn't made it on time." Namjoon added as him and Yoongi walked towards me.

"But you handled them quite well, I appreciate that." Yoongi smiled.

"To save Naina..and Seokjin." I replied to Jimin, avoiding eye contact.

"Jungkook, look at me." Jimin cocked my head to look at him. "I know you want to save them but you should've atleast believed us, believed me."

"I'm sorry..but-"

"Calm down Jungkook..I can feel what you're going through." Namjoon patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry all this shit's going to end soon." Yoongi exclaimed.

"Yeah, no but now Let's get them all together." Jimin picked up the knife from the ground and handed it to me.

I glanced at Namjoon and Yoongi, and they both nodded.

Naina's POV

"Seokjin!!" I slid past one men and kicked the other's leg, leading him to fall over me as I pointed the knife straight and it got stabbed into the man's chest.

They hit me twice in the shoulder and sliced my left leg luckily it wasn't that deep. But the count of these men weren't seeming to decrease.


My eyes grew wide as a man almost stabbed Seokjin, but he made it to roll to another side. I sighed in relief.

But not for too long. "Naina watch your back!!" Seokjin yelled. Huh? I furrowed my eyebrows.

Someone kicked my back, causing me to stumble forward and fall onto the ground.

I instantly turned around and shot his leg. Well fuck that. I got up and yank my arm back and elbow the another guy pushing me in my stomach. In the split second before he recovers, I whip around and bash my fist onto his head, hearing the satisfying crunch of his skull.

Ignoring my bleeding hand, I yell out, ''Seokjin!" Before dealing with another goon around us by kicking in crotch twice. By the time he's on the floor, Seokjin has freed himself from the man and we sprint in the opposite direction, towards the lift, blood flowing to my ears, so did Seokjin's forehead.

Suddenly I feel like everything's going on slow motion. Seokjin and I run, our footsteps echoing. The men after us yell as they follow us behind. I hear different memories of everything that lead me up to this point. Finding out that the lady who cared for me since childhood wasn't my mother, Jungkook coming into my life, Bangtan asserting as my new family, falling for the guy whom I care of the most and the chaos all after. Everything ended here, with Seokjin and I running.

Because of me all of this started, just because of me we were going to die here, because of-

"Naina, the lift!" Seokjin gestured towards the lift infront of us. Exactly!!

We made our way towards the lift, Seokjin pressed the button and we waited for the lift to arrive. "If we fight, I don't think we'll be able to make it out of here alive." I slightly turned my head to face Seokjin who looked so scared, knife cuts on his arm, his jaw was bleeding and blood flowing down his forehead.. i'm glad he made it to deal with those creeps.

Then I positioned my knife and aimed my gun forward, at the men who were running after us. As I did, they stopped running and stared at us positioning themselves. Eventually the lift arrived and Seokjin and I made our way in, still pointing our guns at the men. I pressed the button and the lift started, to reach the third floor we were in fourth.

I heavily sighed of exhaustion and fell on my back. I want to scream so badly. I opened my eyes and glanced at Seokjin, he made his way towards me and sat beside me, then he faced me.

"Don't worry we'll make it out of here if not, I'll make sure you can atleast go out." Seokjin closed his eyes and leaned his back on the wall.

" Seokjin closed his eyes and leaned his back on the wall

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