|| DRUNK ||

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We got up and was about to turn around till we heard a gun shot.


"NAINA!!" Taehyung shouted. He dropped everything and moved towards me.

The bullet shot past my shoulder, creating a scarlet waterfall. My eyes widened and I clutched my shoulder. The pain was so strong and I fell on the ground screaming.

Taehyung's POV

Naina was on the floor, I reached for my shotgun and pointed it at the man who was watching in the doorway.

It was Byungchan. I didn't hesitate shooting but he blocked them all.

Then he started shooting at me. I ducked down behind the vault.
"Where's jungkook!?" I growled.

"He's doing ok. I think." Byungchan snickered.

I looked down at Naina, she wasn't doing good. A pool was growing under her.

"Taehyung you need to get out quickly!!" Hoseok shouted in my ear comm.

"Doesn't it looks like i'm trying!?" I snarled.

I heard footsteps coming closer towards both of us. I got up and shot.

"Your bullets aren't going to do shi-"
Suddenly, there was a loud bang.
A gunshot?

"Did someone forgot about me?"
Byungchan's eyes were wide, he coughed and fell to the ground with a loud thud. Blood spewing out of his head.

Behind him was jimin pointing his gun. "JIMIN!" I shouted.

"Tae we can talk later, right now we need to get Nain and kook to seokjin."
Jimin said rushing towards Naina.

"Where's jungkook? Is he hurt!?" I asked.

"He's outside the room, you take him and i'll take her." He said holding Naina bridal style.

We rushed out of the building's lobby and saw Yoongi waiting there.

"Hurry up!" He yelled holding his gun.

We nodded and ran towards the entrance door. Two mens were out there lying face down on the floor. Probably Yoongi's doing.

Seokjin was waiting outside the car, holding the door open.
Carefully we put Jungkook and Naina at the back and I took the wheel.

Seokjin's POV

"What the hell happend!?" I whispered.

"That bastard shot Naina and beat up jungkook." Jimin responded.

"I'll put pressure on Naina's shoulder for now. There's no much I can do here." I said worriedly.

"Hello you guys ok!?" Hoseok asked in our ear comms.

"What happend to you!? Why didn't you told us that he was coming!?" Tae growled.

"I lost connections with you guys." Hoseok sighed.

"That doesn't matter now. We need to treat the two of them quickly, Tae step on it!" Jimin shouted.

20 minutes later

"We're here." Taehyung said rushing out of the car.

I helped jimin carry Naina and the other two carried jungkook.

Both of them lost consciousness and need medical treatment quickly.

Hoseok opened the door and directed us to the medical room.

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