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chapter three

"I am so confused right now," Peter said, quickly glaring at you and Otto.

Otto's tentacles looked like they were malfunctioning.

What had Parker done to them? When Doc Ock's tentacles plunged into Parker's suit, that must have given Peter full control of Otto's machine.

This "version" of Peter seemed to be intelligent. You were also very confused, just like Parker and Otto were.

You weren't sure where you were, or who you were with. Was this even Peter Parker?

"What's happening?" Otto demanded.

"New device detected," a robotic voice spoke.

Who was this boy?

He looked very different from your Peter. Your Peter had dark brown hair that was fluffier, but it stuck up higher. Your Peter had a longer neck and a completely different face. His suit was red and blue and most of the details of it were different, along with the material and design.

Your Peter was slightly taller. The Peter in front of you had a younger looking face. He had more of a sweet and innocent look to him. He was cute, you had to admit. Maybe a bit cuter than your Peter.

It sucks that Parker ruined your life, or maybe in another life the two of you would be close. You had gotten along before the fire happened.

Peter currently had an iron suit with advanced technology and commands. It was intresting, and it defintely topped the other Peter's suits. You were intrested in the spider arms that Peter attacked Otto with.

A hologram of Otto and his tentacles appeared on Peter's control panel. After Parker presses a few buttons, you hear the robotic voice again. Peter seemed to have some more tricks up his sleeve, and your prediction seemed to be right.

"Pairing new device."

Peter's Iron Spider Suit was now connected to Otto's tentacles, making it in control of Doc Ock's machine. This Peter truly is smart like yours, maybe even smarter. You liked to see the heroes using their brain.

"You don't listen to him, you listen to me!" Otto cried, as Parker started to take control.

Peter tested the connection, and the tentacles surely followed his every move. He laughs in relief. "Hey," Peter giggled.

Why were you smiling? Peter giggling and playing around with the two of you was somewhat adorable.

Parker then waved at you and Otto, and the tentacle claw waved back.

Peter then shot one of Otto's tentacles toward the dangling car, and the woman screamed in shock and in panic, not realizing that Peter was helping her at first. Why was Peter concerned about helping every last innocent? Not everyone deserved that. The people that let everyone you loved die, including Spider-Man, didn't deserve to live free.

Otto tried to swing at Peter with his fist, but his attempt wasn't even close. Peter laughed at him, gently rotating the tentacles.

"Hey! Hey! Listen to me! No, not him, me!" Otto yelled in frustration.

"Parker's really defeated you, hasn't he?" You laughed.

Some part of you calmed down just watching Peter. Doc Ock trying to break free was one thing that made you finally laugh.

"You think you're off the hook, fire girl?" Peter questioned.

You rolled your eyes, as Peter grabbed the car with the woman inside it, and then grabbed you with one of the tentacles, placing the three of you and the woman back on the bridge.

You struggled against the claw's grip, yelling at Peter the whole way up to the top of the bridge.

Peter then had a conversation with the lady he saved, who complained to you and Otto. As you were about to give a rude remark back, Peter stopped you. Doc Ock attempted to hit Peter once again, and failed just like the last time.

You then tried to shoot fire at him, but Peter stopped you by shooting webs at you, trapping your hands and any shot you had at hand-to-hand combat or using your powers whatsoever.

"Let me out," You ordered.

"I don't think I will."

He controlled the tentacles to move you closer to him, which caught you very off guard. You stared into his brown eyes, being forced to look in his direction.

Maybe Peter was different. He seemed different.

As Otto and Peter bickered, you noticed that something was off.

"Parker..." You started.

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