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Green Goblin started releasing pumpkin bombs. He floated in the air on his glider, and Otto sprung into acrion, grabbing bombs out of Strange's path. In the midst of all the chaos, Goblin swooped down and grabbed the box from Strange. In your opinion, there was one thing that needed to be protected more than the box. 

Peter 1.

Otto grabbed Norman's glider with one of his tentacles, holding him back from moving anymore. Strange grabbed the box back, meanwhile, Goblin sliced through Otto's tentacle in anger. He drifted off a bit, angry that anyone would dare try and hold him back from causing chaos.

But he already had what he wanted.

Strange started to manipulate the box with magic. But then you saw the looks on the three Spider-Men's faces. They sensed that something was off with their spider-sense. Then, you realized it too. A pumpkin bomb was in the box. The same explosion that injured you and finished off May.

"Strange, no-" Peter started to yell, being cut off by the explosion. 

The bomb detonated, and the box exploded. 

Fragments of debris hurled in every direction, and the magic from the spell within the box was released. The magic was unleashed and now unstable. Nothing good could come from this. You wanted nothing more than to kill the Goblin for doing this. For ruining everything in your life that was starting to come together again.

It rippled through the Captain America shield on the Statue of Liberty, and the shield broke off and fell into the water. It hurtled through every level of scaffolding, causing an avalanche of twisted metal.

You fell backwards, screaming as you fell off the scaffolding. Your powers... they weren't working. You were trying your hardest to levitate and save yourself, but it was no use. Why weren't they working? Was it the cure slowing down your powers, were you too tired, or were you just falling too fast through the air? Maybe the unleashed magic was tampering with you.

Either way, you were going to die. You started to close your eyes, ready for it to happen. You deserved it after all. But what about your Peter? What about your new life? As you looked up, you saw your Peter diving after you.

He was going to save you. Everything was going to be-

The Green Goblin flew toward Peter on his glider, slamming into him. He carried Peter off in the opposite direction. Your eyes went wide in horror as you continued to plummet to the ground. This was the end.

I love you, my Peter.

Peter 3 had other plans. He wasn't willing to let you die the same terrible death that Gwen died. He failed to save her, and it broke him for the rest of your life. He couldn't let that happen to him again. And he couldn't let you, who just got a second chance at life, die.

Peter 3 swung down toward you, catching you and bringing you down to the ground. Your hand was on his chest. You opened your eyes, seeing your hand on the fabric of a Spider-Man Suit. And then you looked up to see a diferent Peter. Peter 3.

You gasped for air, adrenaline surging through your veins. "Are you okay?" Peter 3 asked with a sniffle.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Then you noticed. Peter had tears in his eyes, and he was holding them back. He was deeply hurt, but also happy at the same time. You knew why. This same thing happened to him and his past lover, Gwen. She was falling just like you were, but he couldn't catch her in time and she died. Everyone knows the rest of the story.

But this time, he made Gwen proud. He redeemed himself. Although he would never forgive himself for not saving Gwen, he was happy that he could save you. God, he missed Gwen, but he needed to move on.

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