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Peter returned a bit later with a girl and a boy your and his age. The girl had brown curls and she was wearing a striped shirt with a necklace. The boy seemed very excited to be there, like he had never seen anything magic or any supervillians in his life. Well he's about to get an intresting taste of reality.

They were discussing something with Peter, when Otto seemed to be getting very annoyed. "Hey!" he yelled, watching Peter's friends every move.

"Who the hell are these two?" Otto demanded, staring into Peter's soul.

"These are my friends. This is MJ," he spoke, gesturing to the girl.

"And uh, this is Ned," he added, gesturing toward the boy.

"Hey," MJ spoke.

"Hello," Ned smiled.

Peter looked at Otto awkwardly. "Uh, I'm sorry, what was your name again?" he asked.

"Doctor Otto Octavius," he spoke, in a very serious and annoyed tone.

There was silence, and then three of them started to burst out in laughter. What was so funny? Poor Otto was just going to get bullied by these kids. But you couldn't really call them kids, you were about the same age as Peter, MJ, and Ned.

"Wait, no seriously, what's your actual name?" Peter laughed.

Ned looked at Connors with an excited expression, like he was going to die of shock. "Oh, is that a dinosaur?" he exclaimed.

Connors scowled, unamused at Ned's stupid comment.

"What do you think?" You asked, rolling your eyes.

"Oh, she's our age, who's she?" MJ asked Peter.

"What powers do you have?" Ned questioned.

"Ask again, and I'll burn you to a crisp with my hands."

"Oh, so fire powers? Cool!" 

You facepalmed and sunk to the ground, looking at Otto, annoyed. Both of you were bored to death, and you didn't want to be trapped in this cell. It was worse for Otto because he had to be around so many immature teenagers. Although they seemed sweet, you also didn't really care. You just wanted to go back home and get revenge on your Peter.

Peter went on a phone call with his aunt. You had heard her name from a distance, and you believed it to be May. And it turns out that the wizard's name is Doctor Strange. Intresting. Someone seems to have ruined Peter's suit with some paint. That must suckk, but it's more delays for him. That didn't affect you, so you didn't care.

You almost gasped when Ned shouted to Peter that he found news of other villians lurking around the city. You wondered if Electro, the man you knew as Max would be mentioned. Or the Green Goblin... 

Wait. The man on the bridge is the man that Ned is describing. It's the Green Goblin. But your Green Goblin is different. He's Harry Osborn, not Norman Osborn. It must be one of the different reality villian things. Would the Green Goblin from your universe appear?

Otto spoke about Norman dying... This was odd.

Peter had to go to find more villians. Ned and MJ were talking to him through a call, and they were able to see what he was doing to give him advice. They were further from your cells than earlier, but despite that, you, Otto, and Connors were still stuck in your empty magic cells. Great. Just here you wanted to be.

"Isn't this just wonderful?" You muttered, standing up and crossing your arms.

"Yep," Otto mumbled.

You heard Peter shouting through the call. He had found something. You couldn't see the camera, but villians were after him, and he was swinging away from them. MJ and Ned were shouting at him to go either direction, and Peter was freaking out. There seemed to be two different villians.

"Peter?" MJ asked.

Peter's camera went blank.

Two different villians appeared in the other cells. One was a man made out of sand. He pounded his fist against the cell barrier, sand falling onto the ground. Other man appeared, as the lights started to flicker. It was Electro...

"Max?" You questioned.

"Y/N? What happened to you? You're just a kid who lives with a big family!" Max exclaimed.

"Not anymore. It's Spider-Man's fault that I lost everything, so now I'm going to kill him," You smiled.

"Ugh, what is this?" the man made out of sand complained.

"You picked the wrong side," Max muttered.

"Wait, you know this creature? I thought that Inferno was the only one who would know of this monster..." Otto spoke.

"I know your full name, so it's only fair, you can call me Inferno, or by my actual name, Y/N."

Otto nodded, and MJ and Ned looked suprised.

"Woah, same universes," Ned gasped.

"Dr. Curt Connors, like I'm sure Y/N might have said. He was a scientist at Oscorp when I worked there. A brilliant scientist. Until he turned himself into a lizard. Then he tried to turn the whole city into lizards, it was crazy!" Max explained.

"I can confirm. Connors went insane," You sighed.

"Y/N, Max, it wasn't crazy, it was the next step in human evolution," Connors snickered.

"The dinosaur can talk?!" Ned gasped in suprise.

"Lizard," MJ corrected.


"Speaking of which, what happened to you, Max? Last I recall, you had bad teeth, glasses, and a combover. Y/N, you were just an average girl with nothing special. Did the two of you get a makeover? You know I can give both of you a real makeover."

"Let me guess..." Max spoke, annoyed.

"Into a lizard?" You spoke, finishing his sentence.

"Exactly!" Connors exclaimed.

"Would you three just shut up?! Where are we?" Sandman demanded.

"It's complicated-" Ned started.

"A wizard's dungeon," MJ interupted.

"A wizard's... a wizard's dungeon?" Max spoke, unsure about the new information.

"There's no real way to sugar coat that. It's literally the dungeon of a wizard," MJ explained.

Otto seemed to agree, and so did you.

"Look, you can keep your magic. I want a taste of that new energy I just felt," Max smirked, as his hands glowed and the lights flickered.

MJ's phone started ringing. It was Peter.

Peter thanked MJ for helping him, and he wanted to confirm that Max and Sandman were in their cells. Ned semed to be looking at a tree with an excited expression. The tree had accidently transported into a cell.

"Hey, ask him if this, like, a tree monster, or a like a scientist that turned into a tree...?" Ned spoke.

"It's just a tree, man. Just a tree," Max answered.

This was going to be a long next few days.

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