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writing this book feels so different because... I MET TOM HOLLAND OMG

"Did I persuade you?" Peter asked, a slight smirk forming on his face. He quickly returned to a smile.

"Oh shut up, Parker. Don't get comfortable."

You arrived at a man named Happy's condo. Peter had spoken about his friend Happy, and his aunt, May Parker. You remembered May from your Peter. The condo wasn't huge, but it was simple and nice.

"Where's Connors?" Peter's voice echoed.

You suddenly spotted who you assumed to be May. She looked nice enough. Was this Peter really a friend and not a foe? Or were they trying to lure you in with their sweetness? They wanted to kill you, didn't they. Parker wouldn't come close. He wouldn't even stand a chance. You smiled at the thought of having victory over Spider-Man.

"He told me he wants to stay in the truck," May replied to Peter.

You heard the sound of the alarms in Happy's condo being turned off. Peter closed the door, and May had went over to him. He whispered something in her ear, but you couldn't quite hear everything.  

The others were already using everything in the condo for their own fun. Max shot a bolt of energy at the TV and turned it on. Sandman sat on the couch, but sand fell everywhere. He looked sorry. 

"Oh... sorry." he spoke.

He tried to then brush it off, but he failed.

Norman was impressed by the pieces of technology Peter had lying around the apartment. And honestly, you were also. You had already seen Peter's nano suit, but you didn't know he had this many gadgets.

Otto was still annoyed that he was being held by his own robot tentacles.

"So, this is your plan, Peter? Hmm? No lab, no facilties, just performing miracles in a condominium? Hmm? What, are you going to cook us some cures and some frozen burritos in a microwave?" Otto scowled.

"I could go for a burrito," Norman shrugged.

"He's gonna kill us all," Otto sighed.

"Agreed," You laughed.

"Wow, you actually laughed, Y/N. Anyways, let's hope not. You're up first, Doc."

"Parker," You groaned.

Peter ignored Otto and walked into the storage room. "What? Hey, I told you, I don't need fixing," Otto insisted.

"I don't need fixing!" he fumed.

"Especially by a teenager using scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer," he added.

"Watch it," You hissed at the teenager part.

Max followed Peter. "Nah, nah, nah. He got something back there. I can feel it. That weird energy."

You were in the living room with Otto and Sandman, while Norman, May, and Max went into the storage room with Peter to work in the lab. You heard Max being dazzled by something back there. Little did you know, it was the arc reactor.

The kitchen, which was right next to the living room, suddenly had a hole come through the wall. You flinched a bit. What on Earth was Parker doing back there that he managed to put a hole in the wall?

"He's going to kill us all," Otto spoke.

While Max and Sandman talked, you started to explore on your own. You didn't even feel like interacting with the others. But someone appeared at your side. Peter. He seemed way too energetic.

"You're up after Doc."

"No way, Parker."

He gave you puppy dog eyes. The cutest ones ever. "Please."

"Maybe. Who even knows how this one will go," You pointed out.

"Well that's true, y/n. But you'll be safe, I promise."

You felt your heart beat fast again. You brushed away your thoughts.

Your heart wasn't beating for Peter... was it?

Your face wasn't red for Peter... was it?

You were nervous around the boy you hated.

You wanted to kill him, but at the same time you wanted to be with him forever.

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