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After some time, an older man walked into the room. He was looking around, but he paused when he saw Otto. The man looked shocked to see Otto. He felt familar, but you had no clue who he was.

"Octavius?" the man questioned.

"Osborn?" Otto gasped.

Norman Osborn. It's the Green Goblin from another universe.

Norman looked at Otto's tentacles, confused. "What... what happened to you?"

"What happened to- You're the walking corpse!" Otto yelled.

"What do you mean?" 

"You died, Norman. Years ago."

"You're insane," Norman responded, a sarcastic laugh.

Peter was back, and he looked the two of them. He then entered the cell area. "God, I love it here," Max spoke.

Peter then gestured toward Norman, looking up at Otto in confusion. "What are you talking about? He's standing right there. He's not-"

"Dead. They both died. Fighting Spider-Man," Sandman interupted.

Norman looks confused, glancing at Peter. You had no clue what was happening. You, Connors, and Max were from another universe. It seems like this Norman's life is intresting. Max died, you knew that. Connors lived. You couldn't quite remember if you lived. You shivered, thinking about the fact that you could go back to your reality and die.

"It was all over the news. Green Goblin? Impaled by the glider you flew around on," Sandman explained.

Norman was frozen in place. Sandman then looked at Otto. "And a couple years later, you, Doc Ock, drowned in the river with your machine."

Otto looked furious. "That's nonsense! Spider-Man was trying to stop my fusion reactor. So, I stopped him! I had him by the throat and then-"

"-I was here."

Max rolled his eyes. "Oh, please, let me tell you something. I was killing Spider-Man, he'll tell you. And then he caused an overload, I was stuck in the grid, absorbing data, I was about to turn into pure energy, and then... and then, uh, and then..."

"Oh... I was about to die."

Connors looked terrified. "Max, do you know- do I die?"

You bit your lip. "I was fighting Spider-Man, and it was a bit of a tough fight. We had an odd relationship. I almost flooded the city with lava, and he kept webbing me. And then I had him right by the throat and... and then I was also here," You spoke.

MJ and Ned were now with Peter. They were all very alarmed by what they had heard. A portal suddenly opened, and Strange walked out of it. He has some sort of puzzle box, with Peter's spell trapped inside. He made eye contact with Norman.

"Oh great, you caught another one," Strange spoke.

"No no no, wait, Strange, he's not-" Peter started.

Norman was transported into a cell.

"It's okay, um... What is that?" Peter asked.

"It's an ancient relic. La Macchina di Kadavus. I've trapped your corrupted spell inside, and once I finish the proper ritual, it'll reverse the spell. And send these guys.. and girl back to their universes."

You gasped.

"And then what? We perish?" Otto retorted.

"Nah, no thanks, I'll pass on that," Max snickered.

"Let me out of here. Peter!"

"I'll pass," You spoke, annoyed.

"Strange, we can't send them back. Not yet."


"Some of these guys are gonna die," Peter replied, nervous.

"Parker.. it's their fate."

"Come on, Strange. Have a heart."

"In the grand calculus of the Multiverse, their sacrifice means infinitely more than their lives."

Peter froze.

"I'm sorry, kid. If they die, they die."

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