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maddy x f!reader//request by Dumbaf123486 tw alcohol + drug usage and light smut~

You lightly swing your hips to 'Mary you' from Bruno Mars, your eyes were focused on the brunette straight in front of you. Maddy wears a beautiful silver dress, which makes her look like a goddess even more. You on the other side wear your fav clothes and not gonna lie, you look hot.

Many guys tried to flirt with you, but you only want Maddy. You know it's suicidal, regarding that Nate and her just broke up and his short temper but you don't care. He's an ass and she's too good for him.

After the song ended, you decide to refill your cup, feeling too sober to even talk with Maddy. Sometimes you cruse yourself. If you wouldn't have dropped out of school, you might have some classes with her, but school just wasn't it for you.

You make a cocktail out of some Vodka, Cola mixed with Fanta and some Rum. When you're done mixing, you search the beauty with your eyes again but you can't find her. It was an underestimation that you were frustrated. You don't know wether it's the weed or the alcohol, but you were mad.

Ignoring the urge to go searching for her, you step out, straight going to Fezco to buy some Emma. The two of you were actually very close, when Ash was younger, you were his babysitter while Fez was out, trying to make some money. And even now, you  often take care of his grandma.

"You gonna talk to her or not?" Fez asked, already on cloud nine. "I can't find her" You say frustrated and take the little bag from him. "Alright, but please be careful" You nod in response. You usually know your limit but right now, you just want to get fucked up, or fucked. You wouldn't mind both.

You walk away from him, straight to the toilets. Knowing that if you would snort the white pulver in front of others, you wouldn't have much left for yourself.

After the act, you exit the toilet and stumble directly into Maddy. You've never been so embarrassed before, "oh, I'm sorry" she just laughs it off, "no needs to worry, you're y/n right?" You nod, confused how she knew your name. You weren't a loner but also not very popular.

"Maddy, right?" You try to start a conversation, feeling uncomfortable. "Yeah" Maddy can feel her cheek blushing. "You good?" One trait you've stolen from Fez is, that you're often confused as well and it's obvious to others, boys say that they find that adorable but they think that everything is adorable, as long as you act like a child. "Uh yeah, wanna go outside? It's very loud in here" She doesn't leave you any time to answer, taking your hand while waking outside.

"How do you know my name?" The question burned on your tongue for quite a bit. "I wanted to know the name of the hot stranger, who always stares at me" You blush in embarrassment. You've never considered that she might catch you staring. "You good? You've been staring into the air for a good minute" Maddy laughs.

You love her laugh, it shows her cute teeth gab. "My bad, uh I'm sorry for the staring" You whisper a little bit, fidgeting with your fingers. You do not want to fuck anything up. She puts her hand on your thigh. "No worries, I like it when beautiful people look at me" she winks and you smirk.

"So you think I'm pretty?" You rise an eyebrow. Your question makes her nodding harshly. "Of course, y/e/c eyes are the most adorable things I've ever seen and you have literally the perfect body" She smiles and whispers the last part into your ear, causing goosebumps to form.

"I can say everything back, besides your aura is like literally perfect" By now, everything that comes out of your mouth is influenced by the intake of the alcohol and drugs. "Naw, you're too cute bæ" you smile, pleased by the nickname.

You turn your head to her, taking every little thing about her in. "I've hear that you're a good kisser" Maddy smirks and you blush. Now you're pretty sure that she isn't sober either. "I dunno, you wanna test wether it's true or false?" You return the same energy and Maddy likes that.

In fact she likes everything about you, but she was actually too shy to ever talk to you sober. "Big yes" after she gave you her consent, you find yourself in her lap, your lips finally on hers.

I hope you like it,

I've literally took a 7 hours nap today.
Usually I don't even sleep that much at night

Anyways ily and stay safe <3

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