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Jayla x f!reader, smut, both r 18, request but tbh idk by who (I'm so sorry), light mommy kink, praising kink and fluff!~

"Wake up." A sing-song voice spoke beside your ear making you grumble from your half asleep state. "No. Five more minutes." You pouted, earning a soft laugh from your girlfriend beside you. "You're already running late my love." She spoke softly, brushing some hair from your face as you kept your eyes closed. "I don't wanna go to school, it's always so draining boring." You whined back, peeking your one eye open to see Jayla crouched down to your level beside your bed. She smiled at you sweetly, thumb stroking along your cheek.

"I know. How about I go and get you some coffee whilst you get dressed and maybe if you're a good girl for me today you could get a reward after the meeting?" She smirked, giggling lightly as you suddenly perked up. "Okay." You smiled with a nod, blinking your eyes open to adjust to the sunlight. She gave a kiss to your forehead before standing and walking out, her usual soft smile still present.

You stretched your tired limbs with a satisfying crunch before sleepily pulling yourself up and out of bed, shuffling over to the wardrobe you technically share with Jayla and deciding to steal one of her oversized hoodies; wearing it over a t-shirt and leggings as well as some trainers, too tired to put effort into an actual outfit. You made your hair look presentable in the mirror, braiding it into two French braids, observing the tiredness in your eyes. The final exams are getting closer and the teacher are even putting more and more pressure on you.

Jayla's reflection appeared behind you and her hand softly touched your waist. "Here you go my love." She smiled, handing you a mug of coffee. "And, someone bought doughnuts so I stole you one." She added as she handed you that too. "You are the best. Are you not having one?" You giggled, the food directly changing the mood. "I may or may not be three doughnuts deep already." She answered sheepishly making you giggle slightly. "Don't snitch."

"My lips are sealed." You spoke, motioning a zip over your mouth before taking a sip of your coffee and a bite of the chocolate sprinkled doughnut (if yk then yk). "Come on, we're already running late." She urged, guiding you towards the door by resting her hand on the small of your back though you stopped your movements just a few steps from the door.

"Wait. I want my morning kiss first." You smirked making her smile with a slight shake of her head though she pressed her lips against yours, moving them together in their favourite rhythm. She deepened the kiss, holding onto the back of your head, her other hand on your hip as she pulled you closer to her and you held you arms out to the side slightly so as not to spill coffee.

She pulled away with a small bite on your bottom lip, both of you breathless as you smiled at one another. "Okay, we actually have to go now pretty girl." She spoke breathily, pulling you behind her by your wrist, crumbs no doubt making a trail through the hallways.

The school day was as boring as you'd expected, spending it sipping your coffee and exchanging various looks with your girlfriend and Kylee. the three of you bored out of your minds. You were almost falling back to sleep  in the last period though Kylee kicked you under the table to keep you awake, laughing under her breath at how bored you clearly were.

After what felt like an eternity chemistry finally was over, though you'd been roped into a tutoring session with a random 7th grader which usually you would be eager to volunteer but the thoughts of Jayla's so called 'reward' made you less than enthusiastic. "I'll see you soon, bella." Jayla whispered, pecking your cheek, smiling at your slight frown.

"Wanna get lunch?" Kylee asked, you both are tutoring kids in the library, you in English and maths and she in physics and Spanish. "You know me so well." You smiled, the two of you making your way to the cafeteria . The surprisingly delicious smell of cooking greeting you as you neared before you saw Jayla sitting at a table with headphones in, softly humming to herself making you smile at how adorable she is. "Hey love." You greet her. "Hi." She grinned back, turning to face you both.

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