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Request by ashtraysgirfriend1 <3,
smut, public sex ig, ashtray x f!reader, both are 18~

You and Ashtray are out on a date. Currently you are sitting in the cinema watching Spider-Man no way home and you are bored. It wasn't really Ash's fault since you have watched Spider-Man now way home plenty of times but you still decided to tease him a little bit, since the two of yours sit in the last row and the cinema is in general very empty.

Ashtray watches you with a questionable look when you stand up to sit down on his lap. "Hm a greedy whore are we?" He chuckles into your ear which causes shivers to run down your back. "Huh what you mean? Just watch the movie" You act all innocent. Ashtray don't care to answer and just places a hand on your hip.

His action makes you bite your lip but you ignore him. After 10 minutes, you start to move your hips, causing a small moan from Ashtray. Good 5 minutes later, you stop your movement, feeling a huge bulge. You take your phone to ignore him as best as possible. But Ashtray quickly snatches your phone away, "You can't have a phone during a movie. Y/n, how will you concentrate then?" He winks and tosses your phone to the seat next to you.

You decide to stop with the teasing since a very shocking scene is coming up but Ashtray this time has other plans. He brushes one of his hands on your thighs, laying it down directly above your crotch. You glance at him, and find he's already staring right at you, an innocent smile on his face. Brushing the anxious thoughts aside, you decide to let him continue. It's not doing any harm, and it's not like anyone would notice anyways.

But Ashtray's fingers start to trail up higher, making you moaning a little bit, and now, they're grazing the edges of your shorts. Never touching, just barely brushing by. They're painfully close to where you want them. "You know what really bothers me?" Ashtray asks and you shake your head. "That you think it's okay to tease me like that and thinking that you'd get away with it" you blush heavily. "Baby I'm expecting an explanation" He groans into your neck, making you jump a little bit. "I-I-" His fingers press harder against your skin. You do your best to suppress a whimper. He's warning you to hurry up, to stop stuttering and tell a good explanation.

You gulp. "It was just a prank, Ashtray". He tenses. "Just a prank?" He scoffs, voice a little too loud. You're scared the others will hear, scared they'll look over and see what he's doing. What you're doing. God, if innocent kids would see this. "I said focus on me." You yelp, head snapping back to Ash. He punched your thigh, not loud enough for others to hear but to feel the light pain.

The two of yours continue watching the movie but Ashtray holds off the touching. His fingers remain curled around your thigh, but they haven't moved. Is this worse? It feels worse. You wish he'd do something, keeping you on edge like this is torture. Still, nothing happens. The movie plays on. A glance at him shows only his focused face, he's watching the movie so intently you're sure he has forgotten all about you. You squirm slightly, hoping to gain his attention subtly.

You get bored and try to move a bit away. Your action only causes Ash to hiss in your ear, "What do you think you're doing?" His grip on your leg is tight, you're sure it'll leave a bruise later. "Did I say you could move?". You blush and shake your head for a clear no. "But you didn't" you get cut off by Ashtray, who makes a hum of understanding, his spare hand comes to rest on your other leg, patting it twice,"I see what happened. Were you feeling sad that I stopped paying attention to you? My poor bab but don't you know that's what happens to bad girls who misbehave?".

"Please, I didn't misbehave". You whine. "Fine, fine. I'll give you all the attention you want." He smiles, soothing. "Where did I leave off....oh, that's right. I was going to make you feel good, wasn't I?" You nod eagerly. Ashtray pouts, mocking, pondering. "But, do you deserve that? I don't think so. I suppose you could make it up to me if you're that desperate..." His eyes meet yours. They're dark, swirling with desire. It's quite possibly one of the sexiest things you've ever seen.

You sit with bated breath as his hand slips beneath your shorts, finally. The tips of his fingers ghost your core; you're so desperate. "Y/n? Is this okay?" You nod breathlessly. Ashtray clicks his tongue. "And here I thought you were finally learning to behave. Speak. Tell me exactly what you want me to do."

"Please Ashtray, help me" you pout. He does, ever so lightly. It's not enough. Ashtrays feigning innocence when he stares at you next. "Like this?" He asks and you answer with a "More, I need more.". He laughs a little. The vibrations go straight to your core, he unknowingly giving you a fraction of the friction you need. "So do I, love. Use your words, tell me what you want from me."

You blush even more but you are too turned on to decline. "I want you to give me pleasure" Ashtray finally slides two fingers into your pussy, and you clench at the sudden change. He's teased you so long, but damn, was it worth the wait. He pulls out, only to thrust back in, deeper this time. Ash continues. His pace is slow, but it feels so good. After so much teasing, his deep thrusts are more than enough to have you worked up. You bite down on your lip to stop yourself moaning.

His unsteady peace makes you come fast and hard.

Idk I imagined it to be better but here y'all go<3

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