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Ashtray x f!reader, smut! Both r 18, thigh riding, request by ashtraysgirfriend1  idk what's wrong with the font but I hope it's not too confusing~

Ashtray loves it when you ride him. Whether you're riding his dick or his thighs, and god, he loves it when you ride his face. He thinks you look so cute as to timidly crawl over him, straddling him, hips hovering over his face, your wet glistening pussy exposed to him. He loves hearing you yelp as he forces your hips down onto his face. He reaches over, muscular arms holding your thighs in place trapped and nowhere to run. You twitch and moan as he sucks and flicks your clit, slipping his tongue in and out of you, coating his tongue with your sweet juices. He occasionally looks away from your slit and bites your thighs, earning a mewl out of you as he licks the sore spot on your skin. He usually lets you take the wheel whenever you sit on his face, he'll let you move your hips as much as you want, cum as much as you want, but when he's in charge he makes you cum a lot and fast, and really. He has you memorized like a catchy song. He knows all your sweet spots and buttons, and he pushes all of them. Overstimulating you until you're pulling his hair and trying to sit up off of his face begging him to stop.

So since today is his birthday, you decided to give him your body. It's not like it isn't his anyway, but you want to try and not complain today at all, letting him decide completely. He loves your gift, both the matching necklaces you got him for him and you and the other gift.  He's eager to use the gift and to use you but you need to wait until Fezco leaves for Lexi, since the both of yours know that you won't be able to stay silent. Finally around noon, he finally leaves.

Ashtray smirks mischievously and nods to the bedroom, giving you the sign to follow him. "Ash please" you groan out as he pulls you onto his lap. Ashtray is a tease, he'd been teasing you all day since you've told him your gift this morning. You are completely on edge. "Hush. I have some work to get done first. Then we can have our fun" he purrs, peppering kisses down your throat, stopping to suck an angry red mark over your pulse point.

You let out a symphony of whines, letting Ashtray know just how impatient you were right now. But, your pleas fell on empty ears as he just turns and starts to build some Joints. You grumbled and nuzzled your head into his neck, forcing yourself to be patient. "But didn't you were like really excited?". You can't see his smirk. "Yeah, but I changed my mind". You quickly realized though how much Ash shiftes while he is building the J. Whether it be a small adjustment or a big one, you noticed. It was almost insufferable. Every shift of his hips bumped up against your throbbing core. You were trying your best to stay still despite it but dear lord was it hard. You almost couldn't help rocking your hips just a little. You were desperate for some sort of friction and relief.

It was when little moans were passing your lips that Ashtray finally has enough. He huffed and hoistes you up and sits you on his muscled thigh. It took a confused look on your face and Ash bouncing his leg for it to click in your head. You smiled and leaned back into him, silently thanking him for the relief. You began to slowly rock and sway your hips, letting out small groans and pants.  Even clothed the drag on your clit was brilliant, you knew you were going to ruin these panties but the orgasm that was coming your way was worth it and Ashtray will definitely buy you new ones.

Ashtray wasn't really building any blunt at this point, he is too focused on your moans and watching you desperately try to give yourself pleasure. Ashtray wants to keep up the unbothered act he had going but he also wanted to ruin you. He decided for a middle ground, he began bouncing his leg and watched as your hips stuttered slightly. The pleasure was starting to become too much, you wanted to let yourself be overwhelmed with it but every time you did, your hips stopped working. You are growing frustrated, you were trying to take advantage of what Ash had given you and you are obviously struggling. You hear a small chuckled as Ash places his cool hands on your plush hips. You thank the gods as Ash helps you keep up your pace as he gently guides you.

"You can't do anything without my help can you? It's almost pathetic. I gave you what you wanted and yet, here you are, still needing me to do it for you" he cooes with a bitter sweet tone into your ear. His hands are rough, squeezing you tightly as he rocks your hips over his muscley thigh. You are a moaning mess, you want to defend yourself but between his words and his motions you have nothing more than a few moans that leave your lips.

Ash brings one hand up and tugges on your hair, pulling your face from his neck. He looks at your face with an evil grin. Your mouth forms small 'o', your cheeks are flushed, your eyes blown out with lust. He couldn't help himself as he pressed his lips to yours, all teeth and tongue. He swallows your whimpers as you got closer and closer to your finish. Ashtray forces your hips to move faster as he watches you fall apart. Your eyes roll back and you cum with a silent scream.

I will try to upload more this week cuz I'm on some stupid class trip next week

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