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Jealous Ahstray x f!reader, weed intake, alcohol, violence, cigarettes, chocking, light smut, both of you are 15 here~

You loved parties, the feeling of the loud music running through your body, seeing all the amazing Make-ups and outfits and meeting new people. This might be the reason that you've started partying when you were 14, or maybe it was because you were allowed to do many things since you were young.

You didn't care. You were thankful anyway, since you met the love of your life at a party. This might sound childish but you were sure that you will spend the rest of your lives together. You love Ash and he loves you.

Right now you were at another party, swinging your hips in the rhythm of the song. You didn't know the song but it didn't stop you. Many boys tried to dance with you, but you just turned away, showing no interest. You don't care about anyone besides Ash.

This might be the reason that all your feelings went black after you saw an ugly ass bitch flirting with Ashtray. You expected him to turn away, or just ignoring her but he was in a deep conversation with her. Your blood start to boil and you turn away, searching just for a boy to play the same cards.

"Hey, you wanna do shots?" You ask a boy, he actually wasn't ugly, I'm fact he had a good style. He smirks "of course, I can't say no". You turn around and take his hand into yours, shoving him in the kitchen gently. After you found the Vodka, you pour it in two glasses. One for you and one for him. "Cheers" you say, looking deep inti his eyes with a fuck me look.

You just want him to get hard. Desperate boys do everything for pretty girls and you're gonna take advantage of it. Some people would say that it's mean or cruel but you wouldn't care anyway, you just know how to play your cards.

"You wanna get out?" His voice starts to get raspy and if you wouldn't have got a boy, man you'd say yes. "Let's Dance First" you take his hand again, leading him on the dance floor. By now you could see his bulge and you low-key feel disgusted. You close your eyes and start dancing, feeling Ashtrays burning eyes on your exposed skin. He should mark what's his, you thought.

"Who's the boy in the couch? He's staring at you" The unknown boy asks you. "That's Ashtray" a smirk forms on your lip. You always get what you want, doesn't matter what. Even if it's male validation or just some chapstick. You turn around, so that your ass is right in front of his bulge.

Ashtray shoves the girl away from him, his eyes always getting darker. Saying that he's jealous is an underestimation. He tense every muscle and if you wouldn't know him, you would probably shit your pants. He looks scary.

Right in the moment when he stood up, you knew you fucked up. He walks straight up to you, his hands were balling into fists and he clenches his yaw. You take a step back, giving him innocent eyes. Others would feel pity for the unknown boy, but you didn't feel any pity.

He was at least 18 and you are 15, you even look like you are 15. The next thing you know is that Ashtray is pushing the boy on the ground and he starts throwing punches straight into the poor face of the boy. He tries to protect himself but he fails miserably.

By now there's a huge crowd around the boys. You can't even say that they're fighting because the boy gave up directly. Some other boys, you assume that those are his friends, try to shove Ashtray off him, but they're still too weak. After a bit Fezco enters the room "bruh bro, you can't do that" and with that Ashtray stops.

His shirt is drenched in blood and damn, that looks hot. "Let's go" Ash says, still mad and he takes your hand, pushing through the crowd of teenagers. After you arrived in the car, you turn to Ash, taking his hand carefully into yours. "Do you have any injuries?" You ask concerned but he ignorers you. Yep you've took it too far maybe.

5 minutes later, you finally arrive at their apartment. "Talk to me" you pout. The both of you stand in the bathroom, in front of a mirror and you put your head on his shoulder. "No" he says childishly. You rise an eyebrow and say "you for real?" He nods, "if you wouldn't be such a needy bitch, I wouldn't have to beat a fucking 18 year old up". His comment makes you roll your eyes.

"You fucking flirt with a random bitch, I've just played your cards". He quickly turns around, pushing and choking you against a wall. Damn that's hot, was all you could think of. It wasn't an aggressive choking, you still get the air you need, it was more of a hot choking. "Shut up" he demands, making your knees wobble. You love this side of him.

You push him even more into you and start kissing him. You could taste the taste of alcohol, nicotine and weed. He lowers one of his hands into your hips, pushing you even more into him. "Fuck" he whispers on your lips. He always says that your lips and taste are addicting and you would say the same about him

Idk what I should think about this one lmao
Ily and don't forget to eat nd drink<3

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