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Ashtray x f!reader, both 17, Fezco got arrested and ash and you are handling the business now, smut, drug use and talk~

Loud music was playing in the background and you try to hum the lyrics. Ash is still laying on your chest, both of you still naked from the unholy activity you did yesterday evening. Fezco is locked up since 2 years and the both of you handle the business together. Very different. More violent and harsh but it shows. You're making hella much money.

But it's also more stressful which means that there's nearly no time left for some calm moments with each other. That's why you decided to take some days off to spend them with each other. Grandma was still sadly in a coma which isn't surprising and you guys decided to get a puppy. You decided for a scary Cane Corso but honestly, he's a huge pussy. When he was a puppy he even was too scared to go for a walk in the dark. You still love him tho.

You play with Ashtray's short hair and listen to the music, not wanting to wake up the boy who's lightly snoring. God how much you love him was unreal but he felt the exact same about you. You two were fucking soulmates.

You smile down at him, admiring every little detail about him. From his light freckles to his smile line and his full eyelashes. He was the most beautiful creature you've ever seen. "Good morning my love" Ashtray smirks, disturbing your thoughts. "A wonderful good morning pretty boy".

One of the main things Ash liked about you was your enthusiasm. He feel like even if the whole world was burning down, you'd still be happy if you're with him. The other thing he just loves about you are your eyes, he could get lost in them all the time.

"How are you?" He sits up, leaning his head on your shoulders. You love his soft side, but also his harsher side, as long as he's still respectful towards you. "I'm good, actually very good, what about you angel?" You ask him and take his hand into yours. They fit perfectly.

"Me too, you know last night was great" He smirks, making you blush. He kinda lifts you up and places you on his lap, so that he could wrap his arms around your waist. "Yeah, it really was" You lean on his wide and broad chest, relaxing and taking his scent in.

He places little kisses all around your neck, turning you on. You are a literal slut for his touches and for his attention. His hands wander down your body, stopping right in front of where you want him the most. He was your first everything. Your first kiss, your first time, you even smoked with him for the first time.

You breath a shaky "please" out, grabbing on his strong arms. "Please what? You gotta tell me what I should do babygirl" You can feel his smirk from behind. "Please satisfy me" You moan quietly.

He does as you ask and you could swear that you can see the clouds. He knows exactly what he's doing and it even turns you more on.

His fingers circle your clit, which makes you cry out for him. He loves how desperate you are for him, only for him. After solid 5  minutes, you finally come. Your legs are shaky and your hair stick on your sweaty face. "You did so great Baby" he assures you.

You turn around to him and crawl down to his visible bulge. You take him into your hand, giving it soft pumps. He groans and you pop it into your mouth, giving him a soft but good handjob. He appreciates your carefulness and he finds it very cute.

"You did so good, let's go and get a shower and then eat some breakfast" you nod in agreement.

This is v short again but I'm working on multiple (Javon, Jayla pt 2, Fezco) imagines so it's just a filler.

Ily and don't forget to eat nd drink<3

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