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I'm back, this might be confusing but y/n will be a Russian figure skater (obv tuberitze even thought we do not like her) and you will compete at the Channel 1 cup.
Jaden x f!reader, fluff~

Even thought it wasn't a surprise that team Tuberitze won the cup, you still were very happy. The adrenaline is still a little bit in your system and currently you stand on the ice, Alina Zagitova next to you. You get along very well, despite the age difference. "You did well" She smiles and you blush a little bit. When she was at the Olympics, she was your role model and she still is, "thank you"

"Y/n, your boyfriend is waiting outside the ring for you" Your mother, the devil itself says. You turn around to Eteri and nod. It was no secret that you and your mother dislike each other even thought she is your trainer. "Gotta go, it was nice talking to you again". You wave at Alina and make your way out of the crowd.

When you step out of the ring, a brunette boy is waiting for you, your red jacket laying in his hand. "Hello my dear, you're looking great and you did an amazing job. You literally looked like an angel" You blush and roll your eyes at Jaden's comment. "Aww, stop you're making me blush". You hug the taller boy and inhale his perfume.

"But it's the truth, when you jumped it looked like there was no gravity at all". Jaden says into your hair, making you giggle. "Alrighty, but let's make a telegram video first". You do as you say and thank your fans for watching the cup and for their support. Then you show them Jaden because they're crazy for them.

"Let's get out of here". You say to Jaden and he nods, takes your hand and leads you to the dressing room. "I'll wait outside for you my love" You nod and quickly change. You lazily braid your hair and then go back to Jaden. "You're breathtaking" He admires you and you blush again.

"Stop and let's go". This time you're the one who's leading him and you go outside. After walking for good 15 minutes you arrive at a beautiful spot. It's a field where you can watch the sunset perfectly. "Let's sit down, it looks beautiful". Without any further discussions, Jaden pulls you onto his lap and you begin to talk about everything.

This is so short and low-key bad but I will try my best to update more often!
Stay safe y'all <3

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