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Ashtray x f!reader, smut, reader and ashtray are both 17, Fezco and Lexie have child (male, 1 year old), tw! Drugs, alcohol, violence, guns~

You were sitting on the couch, little Fexie laying on your lap, watching 'a land before time'. You always made him watch your old favourite childhood movies and of course he doesn't seem to be mad about it.

The boys were out on a deal and Lexie was grocery shopping."You're too cute, such a Cutie"your words make him giggle. He's gonna be a player, you thought. "You know. Usually I hate kids, but not gonna lie you got my heart.'' He still giggles and it
warms your heart. You were really happy that Fezco and Lexie had a child, first because you don't want a child yourself but their baby makes you feel something. Second you were mostly bored at home, you've gratuatecl high school last year since the teacher thought that you were gifted, but actually you were just mostly high out of your mind. Since then,
you spent most of the time either fucking Ash, cooking and baking or smoking. But with
the little man changed everything. You were actually a great aunt.

You deepened your thoughts on the first time meeting Lexie.

Ashtray and you were just 15, but already a year in a relationship. Fezco wasn't home and to your question Ashtray only said that he's at his girlfriend's house. You first watched a movie, which led to a huge make out session. But before it could go any further, Fezco and an unknown woman busted in. She had tears in her eyes and she held her stomach. You directly knew what was going on and whisper it in his ears. ' 'The fuck, Ion wanna be an uncle" Ashtray said which made them look at you confused.

fezco glaring on your position. Ash laid on top of you, one hand holding your hip, the other your ass. "Yo get your hands off her, I wanna be a father and not an uncle either" You smirk, knowing that his bulge was right above your pussy. He couldn't move since it would reveal his huge bulge. Lexie just stood there, looking very overwhelmed. "Get your girl a quiet place bruh" You said and she looked at you thankfully. You didn't know whether she just wanted drugs, money or if she's for real. But for now, you just wanted her to kinda feel safe.

Since then Lexie moved in with yours and you knew that both of them were for real. "Hello, we're back!" Ash shouts as they step into the room. Baby Fexie is cooing and you smile proudly at him. "Dada and Uncle are back". You brush through his little hairs and both boys get in the room. You put Fexie carefully into Fez arms and he sits down at the sofa, his facial expressions even softening more and more.

"You want to go upstairs? "Ash whispers into your ear, causing goosebumps. You know what he wants, but you decided to tease him a little bit. "Uh no, I'm good. You want some lunch?" You turn around and look at him him innocently. He groans and fezco laughs. "Maybe a sandwich, but I'd prefer you for lunch" You blush.

"Bruh, not in front of the baby" fezco says annoyed. "Dry asshole" you giggle and walk into the kitchen to make Ash's sandwich. The boy follows you and you feel him watching you. Trying to ignore it, you start to prepare the sandwich. Ashtray goes behind you and hugs you. "What are you doing hm?" you ask him and he answers with a short "nothing".

You try to continue making the sandwich, which actually was very hard since Ash was planting many little kisses on your neck, leaving hickeys everywhere. "Stop Ash" You moan, trying to get away from the touch. "Uh no, you seem to like it my love" he smirks against your skin.

"But your sandwich is ready" You pout and show it to him. He takes it. "Thank you, but I'd have you much rather for lunch. Bet you taste much better" You blush heavy. "Shut up and take it" He does as you told and you watch him closely while he eats. God he looks like a god. Every movement looks so smooth and hot. You felt like you were melting.

After his Sandwich he puts his plate away and grabs you by your hips, starting to kiss you. You rerun and deepen the kiss, putting your arm around his neck. "I love you" You say out of breath and he smiles happily. "I love you too, even if you're a tease sometimes" He smirks and start kissing again. "Let's go upstairs" You say out of breath.

You go into his bedroom and he gently but firmly pushes onto the bed. You watch him through your lashes innocently. Your move makes him groan and by now, he was turned on, very turned on. He grabs your chin, making you look up to him. Then he pushes his thumb in your mouth, not breaking eye contact. "Suck bitch" You do as you told and his other hand travels around your body, overstimulating it. You moan and he pushes his thumb deeper in, making you gag a little bit.

After it, he opens his pants, giving his dick some pumps and then guiding your moth to him. You do the same, like you did with the thumb. He moans loudly and praises you, turning you even more one. "I'm close" he groans and you even try more to please him. "fuck, fuck, fuck, you're doing so good. Exactly like this. You're my little whore" He moans loudly as he comes. His cum fills up your mouth and you try to swallow everything. You were sure that Fezco hears you but you don't care.

Ashtray swipes your tear away and takes your top off, looking at you like you're the most beautiful person on earth. "come here" he says and pats his lap. You were just wearing a skirt and a pantie, so when you were ready to ride his dick, he just pushes your thong to the side.

You moan as he enters and you start moving your hips. After a few minutes, you were already too exhausted, so Ashtray helps you, guiding you hips harshly. "Fuck baby, you're so gorgeous" He groans and turns you over, pushing your head into your pillow. He start thrusting into you with no mercie, making you a whining mess.

He surely leaves some bruises but you didn't care. All you could think of is Ashtray and how he makes you feel. After some more hard thrusts Ashtray comes deep into you. The thought of his cum deep inside you makes you cum in no matter too.

He pushes out and after the both of yours catches your breath, he started to clean yours up. "come back and let's  cuddle" You say and he does as you asked, hugging you thight.

Idk what this is but i'm sorry for not updating
ily and stay safe<3

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