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Javon x f!reader, both are 17, smut!~

You sigh as Daelo pushes his sheet of paper away for the fiftieth time that night. He hates math. That's understandable, you don't like math either but you're getting paid good money to put up with his tantrums for two hours a night. "Cmon," You say, "twelve divided by two. You know this."He crosses his arms. You sigh as you try to explain to him in a different way. "If I have a dozen water balloons and give you half, how many do you have?" He just shakes his head.

"Daelo," you sigh, drawing out twelve circles. "Come on, let's count it out." He looks at the two rows of six circles that you've scribbled. "Count each one." He finally counts to twelve. "Circle the top half." You tell him, manually putting the pencil in his hand. He does. "Now count how many you have in the circle." You say. "Six." He finally answers "So twelve divide by two is..."

He grumbles and writes a 6 on his paper just as the door opens. Daelo's... brother? Walks in. His red sneakers squeak on the tile as he makes his way towards the dining table where you're tutoring Daelo. "Hi," he says kindly, extending a hand to you. "We haven't met. I'm Javon, Daelo's brother." Javon's hand is warm and sweaty. You take a look at his wet hair and face and workout clothes and figure he must've been at the gym. There's a small spark when your hands pull away.

"Go away!" Daelo says, threatening him with a pencil. "Okay! Sheesh," Javon replies, gently sliding away. His lap slides against your ass when he tries to leave. You hear a tiny gasp escape from his lips as you jump and accidentally grind against
him. It only lasted a short second, but you could feel how big he was through his shorts. You clear your throat and go back to the maths worksheet. "Fourteen divided by seven?" You ask as Javon walks away.

As usual, daelo stretches the tutoring session to three hours. Their father Invites you to stay for dinner and doesn't take no for
an answer. So now you're sitting with a plate of curry in front of you while Javon sits across the table. Neither of you look at each other. "So, what did you learn today, daelo?" DJ asks.

Daelo  shrugs. Their dad nods. "Nothing, huh? How exciting." You feel like this is a shot at you. "We did some division tonight. By twos to be exact." You quickly say. "Ah," he says, "okay. Daelo what is six divided by two." Daelo shrugs again. You feel like you just wasted your time and his dad's money. You eat your curry and stay silent. "Go on Daelo," Javon encourages.
"Six" he counts on his fingers, putting away half of them. "Three." His dad nods. "Alright. That was easy though. What's twenty four divided by eight?" Daelo chokes on his food. "You know it," Javon encourages again. "I don't know." Daelo whines."Just guess." You smile.

"I don't know!" He says a little bit ashamed.  "You just said it." Daelo frowns. You feel like you've failed him as a tutor."Three?" Daelo mumbles. And you all celebrate his lucky guess with a slice of cake for dessert. After you're done eating, their dad gets Daelo ready for bed as Javon walks you out. "You live nearby?" He asks concerned. "Yeah. It's just a short walk."

He squints at the time. "It's kinda late. I wouldn't feel right letting you walk by yourself." You blush a little bit. "I walk all the time. And it's not that late." You insist. "Come on, I need a little exercise." He says before closing the door behind both of you.
You both walk on silence for a couple seconds. "More exercise?" You ask. "Yeah," he laughs. "I've actually been slacking off lately. I only did arms and back today." Javon smirks at you. "Walking counts as leg day?" He shrugs, freckled smile beaming in the dark. He has a great smile but all you can think about is his hard dick still ghosting on your back pocket. You wonder if he'd taken a cold shower. 

He keeps looking back at you. "What?" You ask very confused. He shakes his head and looks away. "What?" You repeat.
"Nothing," he rubs his eyebrow, "just didn't think you'd be this cute" You blush. "I didn't think Daelos older brother brother would be this cute either." He licks his lips. "Yeah, I... the last thing I was expecting to see when I got home was a pretty thing like you at my dining table." You don't say anything. You don't trust your voice not to crack.

"Good enough to eat," he blurts before smacking a palm over his mouth. "Sorry! I mean-"you grab his veiny wrist and pull him aside. "You wanna eat me?" You murmur. You're low-key confused where the sudden confidence came from but you don't mind. He looks down at you with his brilliant green eyes before scooping you right up his strong hands. He slams your back against the wall of a nearby apartment complex and tugs your pants down.

You breathe into his hair as he leans his face into your neck. He uses green apple shampoo. His hairs still damp. He grinds his dick into your panties. "You pitch a tent on our walk ?" He laughs into your collarbone. "I've been hard since i left the gym. Usually goes down after I shower, but your ass kept me up." "My ass?" He ticks his hands into your back pockets and squeezes your ass through them.

"Thats right."He keeps you pinned to the wall with just his hips. You grind against his hard dick. He groans, and the sound of his voice soaks you. "Javon," you moan. He slips his finger into your panties and starts rubbing your clit. "More," You moan.
He grabs you and flips you so that your palms are pressed against the wall. He slips your pants down before spanking your ass a few times. "I can't get enough of this gorgeous ass." He says, giving you a couple more slaps. You squeal as he starts squeezing his fingers into your flesh.

You reach behind you to feel his boner still standing up high. "Put it in," you whine. He takes your wrist and gently guides under his waistband. Feels you stroke his dick until you line him up against your slit. "Come on," you mutter, pushing back. It only just occurs to you that you're in public, crying for his dick with your ass out. But he pushes the head in and you don't care anymore.

"Ugh," he groans, sliding deeper into your hot cunt. He's even bigger than you thought. You feel him stretching you with a pleasurable burn. "Baby," you whine. "I got you, baby," he mumbles against your neck. He shifts out for a second before pushing back in, easier this time. Javon's warm palms hold onto your back as he starts his deep, strong strokes.

"Fuck," You mutter in the crack of the wall. He chuckles behind you. "Hope you aren't teaching daelo that." "He's teaching me." You respond, smiling. Your skins starting to get clammy and hot all over. Like a vague itch you can quite reach. You're close.
"Ugh, goddamn," he groans again. You wished you could see what he's doing to you. How he's slapping against your creamy lips.

You reach a hand down to rub your clit. He moves your hand away and starts rolling your clit himself. Even his fingertips are strong. You clench around him and start screaming out as you hit your high. It must've set something off in him because a moments later he's following, moaning and grunting through his release. His hot come shoots inside of you before slipping out with him. You feel his rugged breath on your back as he comes down.

Your own breath is dense in the cold night air. You lean back to rest on his shoulder. You lay there until you both get fixed up and he finishes walking you home. "See you tomorrow?" He asks, leaning down for a kiss. You lick his lips and smile into the kiss. "After class."

Idk about this one tbh
Wrote this after I had a few breakdowns cuz I couldn't braid my hair perfectly lmao

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