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Angus x f!reader, tw bulimia, referring angus as Conor again~

You sit next to the toilet, the taste of vomit in your mouth. Your body trembles with every shaky breath you take and you close your eyes, trying to catch your breath. Conor and you ordered take out and ate it just 30 minutes ago. The thought of the food makes you wanting to vomit again.

"You good babe?" You hear Conor's concerned voice through the door. You stand up and flush the toilet. "Yeah, of course". You wash your hands and open the door. He's waiting directly in front of the door, looking worried down to you. "You look pale". You don't want him to worry about you, you're fine. "I'm good, no need to worry, I'm just a little bit exhausted".

You hug him and burry your face into his hoodie, inhaling his scent of weed and his cologne. "You wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" He asks and you nod. "Only if we cuddle tho" Your answer makes him smirk, answering "of course,  wouldn't want it any other way".

His answer makes you blush and the two of yours go in the living room. "What do you wanna watch?" He asks you and you cuddle up with him. "Hmh maybe Spider-Man no way home?" You grin and he nods.

He was very concerned for you. He notices how you always get thinner, that your hair slowly starts to fall out and of course that you often visit the toilet, especially after eating something. He noticed it all, but was too scared of your reaction. "Answer me silly" you giggle, trying to get his attention for the past few minutes.

"I'm sorry, you were just too pretty." His answer makes you blush. "Shut up" you sit on his lap, watching him carefully. "No, for real. You're like the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, even if you don't see it yourself yet, you're literally perfect. And I will show it to you until you finally realise it. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I just don't wanna see you destroying yourself just because you don't see how beautiful and perfect you are".

His little speech makes you tear up. "Thank you, but how long do I have to tell you that I'm fine?" You say, angry. You are fine, you're healthy and you finally lost some weight, you thought.

"You're definitely not fine and that's okay. Just please don't hurt yourself like this. You don't know how damaging this is for your throat. Please"

You look at your hands ashamed, how did he know? You tried to cover it up, but you couldn't even do that. "Hey, look at me. It's not something you should be ashamed of". He gently grabs your face, so that you look up to him. By now tears were streaming down your face and your nose was red.

"I'm just so sorry, I feel like I'm not good enough for you, not pretty enough and not thin enough" you sob. He hugs you thought and places a kiss on top of your head. "Don't say that. You're enough for me. I don't care about the way how you look, but I must say, your beauty is unreal, so please don't think that way."

You nod slowly, a little taken back by his words. You thought he would be mad or so, but you were very thankful that he was so understanding. "Thank you so much, I really appreciate you and love you". Your words make him smile. "I love you too"

You kiss and then finally watch Spider-Man

I'm sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this during music class where we just had chairs and no tables.
My school is literally a private school and they can't provide any tables in our music hall lmao

Anyways ily<3

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