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request by ashtraysgirfriend1, i hope you like it!
reader x f!reader, both are 17, smut, gun play, Ashtray!dom, reader!sub, drug usage, underage drinking, smoking~

You are at some random new years party with Ashtray and your best friend, but she already left to make out with some random boy, so Ashtray and you were the only ones left. Much to your dislike, Ashtray is dealing the whole night, leaving barely no attention to you.

You empty your cup, which was full with some woodruff liquor and make your way to the bar to refill it. A blunt was in your hand, which is nearly done since you are already on cloud 9. The alcohol or the weed, or both, gives you the idea to flirt with some random dudes and to be a brat, so that ashtray would at least look at you.

You don't realise that Ashtray is already looking at you, but it wouldn't change your idea anyway. You feel someone tapping your shoulder and you turn around, seeing a boy around your age. "hey" You smile and you give him some puppy eyes, knowing that those make boys act crazy. The boy swallows, "Hey, why is such a beautiful and hot girl alone here?". He asks and you smile gently. "Refilling my drink, what about you? Don't you have a girl? I mean you're a very good looking man" You wink at him, which makes him blush.

"Aw, thank you and not yet, but you can change it tonight" He smirks, acting all confident suddenly. "You sure about it?" You put a hand on his chest and you can feel some muscles, but he isn't as toned as Ashtray. "Yeah, I'm very sure about it" You can feel a hand on your shoulder and you can smell Ashtrays cologne. Fuck. "I'm sorry but she already has a man" Ashtray deep voice says and you get shivers.

"Oh really, why she acting like this than?" The boy asks and you roll your eyes. "We had a normal conversation, is a girl not allowed to talk to a boy anymore?". Ashtray's grip on your shoulder tightens and you can feel that he gets angrier with every second that passes. "Shut the fuck up and go to our car" Ashtray pushes you firmly but gentle into the right direction and you do as your told, not wanting to make him even angrier.

You wait in the car for good 10 minutes, you're just scrolling through instagram, liking and commenting on some of your friends posts and finally Ashtray decided to go to your car. "Finally, what took you so long?" You ask in a bratty tone. "Just shut the fuck yo and wait until we're home" You roll your eyes and Ashtray grabs your thigh, putting just enough pressure to hurt you a little bit. "No rolling your eyes, you understand?" Ashtray says very angry, which is very hot. You can feel yourself getting a little bit wet and horny. "Yes sir" You breath out, while trying to act normal. Ashtray of course sees through you and smirks, knowing damn well what he does to you.

"good girl" You close your thighs and try everything to not give him the satisfaction of winning. You pray that the drive won't be long. "Yours or mine?" Ashtray asks and you think for a bit. His touches makes you having thousands dirty thoughts but nearly no to the question. "Uh, mine. My parents are out of town" You stutter out. Ash moves his hand a little bit higher and by now your core is dripping. "Good job Princess" He smirks and you blush. His praises make your nipple standing and showing through, since you weren't able to wear a bra under your dress.

After good 10 minutes you finally arrive. Your legs are already shaking because of the undenied touches and you can barely stand on your own. Your legs feel like pudding and Ash grabs your hips to help you walking. "If you weren't such a brat, you'd be able to walk tomorrow" He smirks and you unlock the door, eager to finally get that pressure.

"Let's get you in your room" he says and pushes you upstairs into your room, just like he said. You bite your lip, now wanting to make the situation worse for you with a random comment. He turns you around and pushes you on your bed harshly. Then he straddles your hips so that you can't move.

He connects his lips with yours and holds your hands above your head so you can't move a single bit. His lips move from your mouth to your jaw, from your jaw to your neck and leaving hickeys everywhere. You want to touch him but you're not able, his grip righting around your wrist, surely leaving bruises but you don't care at all.

"I'm sorry, so sorry, please let me touch you". You whine and try to get away from Ashtray's grip. "No, you acting like a brat, you get treated like a brat" He says and you shake your head whining. "Please, please, just touching you. I don't wanna touch me, just you. Please". You plead. He rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw. "No, it was your decision to be out there acting all slutty and stuff. You gotta learn from it". You pout and Ashtray continue kissing and biting your skin until he arrives at your breast. There he shortly stops to help you getting out of your dress. Then he hungrily kisses and nipping your breast, leaving you overwhelmed in pressure. "Please, let me touch you. Pretty please". You still whine.

After a while he gets tired of your whining so he pulls his gun out and damn that's hot. He has a revolver in his hands. "You don't wanna listen so let's play a little bit of russian roulet, shouldn't we?". You were too stunned to speak. On the one hand because of the lost of his touches and on the other hand because of the gun in his hand and his threat of playing russian roulette with you. Surprisingly you weren't scared, just more needy for his touch. "Open your mouth slut" He groans and you do as you're told, not wanting to cause any more drama.

He puts the revolver in your mouth, making you chocking a little bit. "Aw, look at you, being able to take my dick in your mouth but not a fucking revolver" You don't answer, you just stare in his eyes. Both your eyes were dark and your pupils a little bit delicate. "first try" He smirks and pushes the trigger. Nothing happens, besides a tear rolling down your cheek. "You still acting all tough?"

You just nod, not being able to say anything else. "Well, let's have two last tries, then you're gonna take my dick in your pretty little mouth and then I will fuck you dumb" Just as he finishes his little talk he pulls the trigger again. The only pain you feel right now is the hotness from the gun, burning your tongue a little bit. "You seem like a lucky motherfucker right now, let's see" He pulls the trigger again and the only thing that happens again is the gun burning your whole mouth. You whine in pain and he just smirks. "good girl and now show me how you would suck my dick" He nods to the gun. You do as you're told, trying to impress him as much as you can and even trying to turn him on even more. It looks like it works since he puts the gun away and directly shoves his dick in your mouth.

You grab his balls with one hand, which by now is free again and lick his shaft gently but firmly. He moans in pressure and you swear to got, you never been wetter before. He grabs your hair and pushes you even more further in, making you gag. "oh fuck baby, taking my dick so good, like the perfect little whore you are." His dirty talk motivates you even more. You kitty lick his dick, massaging his balls and sometimes using your teeth slightly to give him even more pleasure.

Your tactic works and just after a few minutes he comes. His cum is filling your mouth and you swallow as much as you can. The rest starts dripping down you lips. He sits down and pushes you on his dick. You directly understand and start riding his dick, trying your best to give him as much pleasure as possible. "You're doing great baby girl" You breath out loudly and by now both of you were a moaning mess.

You were very close to coming but instead of continuing he turns you around so that he can fuck you from behind. He is hard and fast and you can swear that you are able to see stars. "who do you belong to?" He asks and you are not able to answer him, being very overwhelmed by all the pleasure. He slaps your ass harshly. "Answer me bitch". He groans and you stutter a quiet "only to you" before you break down. If he wouldn't hold your waist that harsh you'd lost all contact between your skins.

"Why do you flirt with others then?" He asks you again and your eyes roll up in all the pleasure. "I don't know, but i'm sorry sir" You moan. You are very close to coming and he feels it. "Good and do not cum until i say so, you understand?" He grabs your hair and makes you look at him. "Yes sir" You moan again and he pushes harsher and deeper into you, leaving dark bruises on your hips. "You're doing great, just a few thrusts" You nod, tears of pleasure streaming down your cheeks. You aren't sure how long you're able to keep it up anymore but thankfully he gives you the commando to cum. Your walls clenching around his dick makes him cum deep inside you too.

You break down, your legs were tembling and your breath was unsteady. "You did great my love" Ashtray smiles and hugs you. You roll onto him, just wanting to cuddle. "Thank you" You blush and he smiles proudly at you. God you love him so much

I hope y'all like this, it literally took all day cuz my phone is acting all up  and let's all pray for the Ukraine <3

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