𝙅𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙩 1

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Javon x jealous/hurt/jealous f!reader, this is based on the rumours about Javon and Kylee dating (Kylee is Jayla's best friend)~

You put your phone down, shocked, very shocked. The TikTok about the rumours that your boyfriend is dating his sisters best friend is still playing in the background, but you don't care to cere.

You guys decided to keep your relationship privat, since it is a long distance relationship and you yourself are a boxer. Tears start to form and you were hurt, which is totally understandable. Those are rumours, but there's truth with every rumour, was all you could think about.

A knock on your door disturb your thoughts and you quickly swipe your tears away. "Yeah?" You ask and thankfully your voice hasn't broken yet. Your father puts his face through the door. "Dinner is ready in 10" You nod and your father could directly see that something is off.

"What's wrong?" He steps into your room and sits down next to you, on your bed. Your father is the best, he has his own gym, so you started boxing when you were just 3. You love it just like your father loves kickboxing. He was even German national champion twice. "There are rumours about Javon and his sister's best friend dating"

You couldn't hold your tears in and your father hugs you. "Are there any proofs?" He asks you calmly. You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know" He nods and gives you a quick perk on your forehead. "Should I book us some tickets, so that Javon and you can talk it out?"

You love your dad for that. He wasn't the one who would be mad at his daughter for dating a boy, or even doing long distance and you were really thankful for that. "I don't know, what if I'm not strong enough or if I get answers I don't like?" You cuddle up with a stuffed animal which Javon bought you the first time you've met at build a bear.

"You are strong enough, you're my daughter. And better to know it the hard way than getting cheated on, even thought I don't think that Javon is the cheating type, but you never know". Your mother cheated on your dad, which was the reason your parents broke up, leaving you and your little brother Alfred at your dads, but you weren't mad.

"Uh yeah, you're right. Could you book the tickets? I just wanna sleep ngl". Your father nods in response. "I'll talk things through with DJ and if he's okay with us visiting them, then we'll fly tomorrow" Now you're the one who's nodding. "Good night dad, I love you" He returns the love you and walks out.

You're taking your meds and quickly fall asleep. By now, you can normally sleep without your sleeping pills, but you don't trust your mind tonight.

You wake up the next morning, feeling very anxious. Standing up, you change your clothes and go downstairs where your father and your little brother already are, waiting for you. "Good morning" You say and tousle trough your little brothers hair. He's just 5 but he has your whole heart.

"DJ is totally fine with us coming, he's furious about the rumours, but I've told him not to say anything to Javon yet. It's something between the two of you" You nod and sit down on the table. "When do we takeoff?" (Someone please correct me if it's wrong) I ask and start eating some cereal.

"2 pm" Your Dad says. You've turned your phone off yesterday, so that Javon couldn't reach you in any way. It may sounds harsh but he seemed distance the past days anyway, which just supports the rumours.

After breakfast you pack your things and turn on your phone. You have multiple text from Javon, spamming you because he was bored. Usually you like it when he does it, but the thought of him doing the same with Kylee makes you sick to your stomach.

You start listening to some music and pack your things. After it you change into your fav comfortable clothes and brush your hair and teeth. You are crying all the time, well not really crying but tears stream down your face,which is the reason that you don't apply anything besides eyebrow gel on your eyebrows.

You have no energy to fill your eyebrows in, so you just leave it there. "We gotta go sweetheart" your dad calls you and you grab your belongings, walking to your car. Alfred is already waiting inside the car, so you decide you'll copy him.

You put your headphones out and start listening to music, ignoring the whole world.

I'm sorry, this is soooo short but I'll do a pt 2
But I gotta eat first and I wanted to post this since I haven't posted anything yesterday

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