Chapter 40

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Not much longer until the end of the book! YASS lol


Alana's POV

Liam's father aproached with a glowing hand and a smirk upon his face. He snapped his fingers and Bailey colapsed in Liam's arms. "I did this to her. Do you know how easy it was to get into her brain? Wolves and their stupidity." He chuckled and swiped his hand in the air making me fly into the burning tree. I fell and couldn't move because of the pain.

"Father! Don't do this!"

"You killed the woman I loved, so I'm just returning the favor." I heard his dad say. My heart pounded. Liam loves me?

"You cant do this!" Liam placed Bailey down and made a glowing orb on his palm. It grew bigger and he launched it at Geoff. He caught it and aimed it at me. My eyes widened and he threw it. It striked me in the back and I blacked out.


Liam's POV

My eyes were watering. Pain erupted through me. "How did you know?" I yelled.

"How couldn't I? Gabriel is my great grandfather. I knew you were going to get the gene. All males in this family do." He took a step closer and pulled out a dager and twirled it in his hands. "Why not get rid of all the wolves? Oh wait, that would include you too. Oh well." He threw the dagger almost hitting me, but I caught it.

I casted a spell and threw it back, hitting him in his forehead. "Goodbye father." I mumbled and he fell to the ground, lifeless. I rushed over to Niall crouched over Alana. Her heart was beating, but barely.

"We have to get them to the palace, and quickly." We rushed to pick them up and ran to the palace, 4 hours away by plane. 1 and a half by wolf running.

"Lilly! Get the nurses! Hurry!" A gaurd yelled and a woman very familiar came into view.

"Right away Logan!" She rushed to a room and 5 medical assistances came and checked the girls.

It was 2 hours before we heard anything.

"Sir Niall."

"Yes, Roger."

"I'm afraid to say, but Alana has lost too much blood. We dont think she will make it over night." My heart stopped, and I'm pretty sure Niall's did too. We ran into the room she was in. Bailey sat in a chair crying and whispering to her sister. I walked over to her where her eyes were just barely open.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey Li." She cracked a small smile and coughed violently. "How are you?"

"Better yet, how are you? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I feel ok, I guess. But I'm guessing by the look on your faces, you heard the news too." She closed her eyes and a single tear slipped down her cheek. "I don't want to leave you guys. I can't. It would be too much pain for you." She coughed again.

"Hey, stop talking. It'll hurt worse." Niall brushed a strand out of her face. She was sweating and her breathing was rapid.

"Sir, they estimate she only has minutes left." Lilly hung her head and cried.

"No, this cant be happening. I wont allow it!" Niall broke into tears and fell to his knees. I kneeled beside him and whispered in his ear.

"Maybe its for the best. It'll end her suffering." He just sobbed into his hands repeatedly. Her heart rate started to pick up and she was gasping for air.

"No!" He took her hand and tears rushed down both of their faces.

"I will always love you." She gasped and stopped moving. Nothing happened. She was gone, forever. And inside of me, I died a million times over. My best friend was gone, and I could do nothing about it.

*1 week later*

She layed in white. Her hair pinned up and her face cold as rock. There is something you can do Liam.

"Whos there!?" I asked startled.

"Who do you think?" I felt 2 presences behind me.

"Jade and Gabriel." I turned around. Jade was a ghost, and Gabe was as human as ever.

"There is a way to bring her back to life."

"Tell me, please!"

"In order to tell you, you have to sacrifice being a wolf, or a wizard." Jade sighed at Gabriel's words. My heart sunk. A wizard or a werewolf. Which do I prefer?

"I will give up being a werewolf, so I can protect Alana." I stated and Jade snapped her fingers and a bright light shot out of her eyes. My power of a wolf drained out of my system and I landed on my knees.

"Good choice." Jade smiled and placed her hand on Alana's heart. The light transferred into her system and her skin brightened by the second. But, nothing happened. "It will take approximately three days for her to heal and become alive again."

I took deep breaths and looked at Alana. She already seemed alive, just in a simple coma state where she wont wake up and be better.


Ya so..... sorry for the wait :p


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