Chapter 12

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Last chapter I said I had 2 crushes. And in WATB, I said I have a boyfriend now. I am now dating my bff, so my crushes in the last chapter, are no more.



Alana's POV

Monday came fast. Too fast. The next thing I know, I was sitting with the poular kids. I stood out like a sore thumb. My clothes, way too dull. My hair, stuck in a ponytail. No makeup. The only person that seemed convinced was Louis.

"You need to eat." He whispered in my ear as I sat at the lunch table with him. Our hands were intwined and a sick feeling erupted in my stomach. I turned in my seat watching my real friends from across the cafeteria. Niall looked sick, and angry. James looked pissed. Liam, dont even get me started. Harry, not to fond of this situation either.

"So, Lana. We can call you that right? I mean, after all, we are your new friends." Lindsay smiled fake.

"Sure." I said barely over my normal speaking voice.

"Great! So a bunch of us were going to a club tonight, you want to join us?" She smiled wickedly.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm good. It's not really my scene." I shrugged and glanced at Louis who was scowling at Lindsay.

"Oh, you should come! It would be a great way to loose your virginity that way." Her fake innocent smile took me off edge.

"Shut the hell up Lindsay!" Louis and Aiden, a jock, yelled at the same time.

"Whatever." The red on her cheeks gives it away. "Louis, do the honors?" Her red lips formed a smirk.

"You f-"

"Mr. Tomlinson." Oh shit. We turned our heads and saw Mr. Krums glaring down at him.

"Yes Mr. Krums."

"I need you and Alana to come up to my class. Now." Hos voice stern.

"Um, ok." I stood up and followed the two men into Mr. Krums room.

"Ok, so you both know this isnt a traditional school. So, we did something no other school has done, that we know of." He thought for a moment. "You two are running spirit week with how much enthusiasm you both have. And this week is spirit week starting tomorrow. So get ready!" He smiled, his glasses on the brim of his nose.

"Why us?" I asked glancing down at the floor.

"Because you two were elected as King and Queen, so you are doing the honors. And Alana, I know the math league is coming up and all on Friday, so we are moving it to next monday so you have more time to practice with your team." His smile dull and very sarcastic.

"Ok. May I please go back down." I asked with a heavy sigh.

"Yes, but Louis. I need to talk to you."

"Yes Mr. Krums." I left the room watching the two men eye me as I left the floor and down to the cafeteria.


Louis' POV

"Has everything been arranged? We really need her for the war Louis." Blake told me. Blake Winters. Maryam's father. Or Mr. Krums for most people.

"Yes Blake. Everything is set. Those wolves don't know whats coming at them. Of course, we must wait until next Friday, seeing as though it is her birthday." A smirk appeared at my lips.

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