Chapter 23

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Sooo yeah. You guys brought tears to my eyes when I read your comments. I've never had friends, or anyone that cares for that matter, to stay with me longer then a year.

Thank you for being here, and if I ever need any help, I will be sure to think before I do something stupid.

Thank you guys

Early update because you deserve it!


Alana's POV

I took a deep breath and looked out at the crowd. So many faces wanting an explanation. "Well, uh where to begin?" I looked at the ground. "Well, we are the werewolves in the photos. But like we said, we are not here to hurt anyone.

The only reason Louis, Maryam, and Damion died, were because they were hunters attacking us. You should have heard their thoughts. And to be honest, I chose the hunter's side. Each side came with a consequence. Either loosing Niall, or Liam. In the end, I stoped it and we lost family.

Niall and James' father died in this battle, along with their oldest brother. If we didn't win his war, none of us would be here. You all would be put to work in slavery and never see light again. You don't have to believe me, but you can believe this." I held up a writted note. "Mr. Smith, mind seeing if this is Louis' handwriting?"

He came up to me and looked at the note, "It is Mr. Tomlinson's handwriting." He looked dumbfounded. "We will rule the world and make those filthy humans suffer!" He read aloud. People gasped.

"Like I said, he was a 200 year old man in a teenage boy's body. Mr. Krums was almost 500. But Blake and Louis' real mom were really close, as were Louis real mom, and my great-great-great-great grandmother. And when both of them died in battle, the war stopped.

When my ancestor, Esmeralda Nifliem, died, so did the leader of their group at the time. Lets say, I didn't die this war, but Louis did." I took a deep breath and looked back at Niall who was now human.

"Any questions?" He asked. Hands shot up immensely. "Are we aloud to come closer?" They all yelled a yes and we made our way forward. I stood in the front with Niall and James, both holding my hands.


"So, how did Louis survive all these years?"

"People say that they arr close realitives to the vampire, but we know as his family was cursed thousands of years ago to live forever and witness the deaths of their family every single year." Maura answered.

"Perrie." Niall squeezed my hand as she asked her question.

"Why didn't you trust us?" My jaw slightly dropped. Tears were welling up.

"I didn't know until my birthday! How was I supposed to know when I wasn't aloud to know? Explain that Perrie! You don't know how hard it is just to contain my wolf! It hurts that you dont trust me. This secret is so big. There are hardly any wolves left in existence because of humans and hunters. I'm done here." I ripped my hands away from the twins and ran transforming into a wolf. My paws beat down on the grass as I ran.

"Alana!" Voices yelled my name but I kept running.

I ran to the park still as a wolf and people fled as I trudged by. I found the tree I was hoping for and climbed to the top. I looked over the entire park and sighed.

Hiding wont do you any good. An angelic tone rung through my ears.

I'm not in the mood to talk Jade.

I know that dear, but you need to know this. Now that the secret is out, our family is in danger. Keep away from scientists, or anything manipulating to the eye. They will catch you, and they will kill you.

Damn Jade! Why so straight forward? She didn't answer.

I stared out at the ocean and sighed again. I'm done with people pushing me around, and telling me I did something wrong when it was obviously them.

Silently, I morphed back to a human and hung my leg over the branch. "Alana!" Someone called from the distance. I saw Calum and James looking around. James then sniffed the air and looked dead at me. "Over here!" He told Calum and they came running.

I hopped down and faced two worried people. "Your leg seemed to have healed." I crossed my arms and shifted my weight on one leg.

"Well, when you turn, you tend to heal your human body." James chuckled and embraced me in a hug. Calum joined it and the next thing I know, I'm pushed away and Calum is on the ground. "How dare you?!" James yelled in his face.

"What are you talking about?" Calum spat back.

"Your thoughts!" James punched him in the jaw and blood started to pour from his lip.

"James! Stop!" I tried yelling, but it was no use.

"No! You don't know what he was just thinking!" He kicked Calum in the side.

"What was I thinking then?" Calum retorted and tried standing up. I pushed past James and helped him.

"How you wanted to fuck her senseless. How you wanted to throw her away since the battle is over. Hell, you want to kill her, but your wolf wont let you because he is in love!" I backed away from a shocked looking Calum.

"How did you know that?"

"I read your kind somehow."

"That's impossible!"

"No, its not." A voice seeped through the wind and Maura came over. "He is in love with Alana as well as Niall. If any threat comes near her, they will be the first to know." I wanted to scream and run away from my life.

I am being drowned in love by a wolf in a boy and two boys that have wolves.


Yeah so....

PM what you think!


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