Chapter 9

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Hey guys! I sprained my finger. Booooooo! I'm mad! Bc I'm the sporty type and I'm out of sports for the rest of the week. I can't even play my violin. Hell, I cant even move my finger. :(

Anyway.... enjoy the chapter!


Alana's POV

I woke up that morning to laughing. And just in time too. I changed into my clothes for the day and grabbed my bag for school. When I got down the steps, everyone stopped talking. "My parents are picking Bailey and I up for this evening. I'll talk to you guys later." I walked out giving them a nod and started walking to the bus stop near Niall's house.

"Hey." Liam smiled, but I ignored him. "What's wrong?" He whined putting an arm around me. He has gotten stroger, but he still has the glasses.

"Nothing. What's wrong with you? Suddenly we stop talking and you ditch me to hang out with the twins." I rolled my eyes as Bailey, James, and Niall made the way.

"What did you do to her?" Liam pressed.

"Nothing. She's being a whiny brat." Niall murmured under his voice.

"That says a lot since you started it." I snapped as the bus doors opened. I got on and went straight to the back since this is the first stop. I pluged in my head phones and listened to some Katy Perry. The bus made seven more stops before dropping us off at the high school. I rushed off first and into first period, sitting right between two people I don't want to talk to. James and Harry.

I tapped my pencil rapidly before the bell rang. "Ok kids! You know shat today is! Time to practice for math league! Our team captains, Styles and Rain!" Mrs. Gloss cheered.

"Mrs. Gloss, its actually Holland. I was adopted and recently found it out," I glared at James. "So is it alright if you call me Holland?"

"Yes dear. Now come on! Get ready! You get to choose your teams!" She smiled. I stood up front next to Harry and looked at Vicky. She smiled solemnly and continued with her math work. "Ok, I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10."

"7." Harry started.

"3.14, or in other terms, pi." I answered.

"Alana, yes! Wow, good thinking!" She smirked and grabbed a clipboard. "You pick 8 people to be on your team and Harry gets the others." Great advantage!

Ok, so Perrie and Vicky automatically, they have a 4.0 and all straight As, especially in math.

Larid, his forte is in geometry so that will help.

Hellen and Macie, I need them for the integers and rational equations.

So that's 5. Kyle and Gena, for the algebraic measurements.

And James. I may not be talking to him, but I definetly need his smarts in calculus.

"Okay, I have my team." I handed her the clipboard and she read the names aloud.

"Larid, Hellen, Macie, Perrie, Kyle, Vicky, Gena, and James! Meet your team captain!" Mrs. Gloss rushed to her desk and wrote some stuff into her big binder. "That means Veronica, Jake, Kail, Nathan, Jay, Anastasia, and Emma are on Harry's team! Ok. We are headed to the gym. Alana, Harry, split into your teams and talk strategy."

We walked into the gym where atudents were sitting in the bleachers. "Now! Students, as you know, math league is coming up. Our team captains may surprise you. Alana Rain." I took a few steps forward. "And Mr. Harry Styles." The crowd gasped as he took his steps forward next to me. "May the best team win. Go an practice strategy." Our principal dismissed us.

"Ok guys. So we've seen the graduated highschoolers from years past do this. Has anyone else picked up on a method?" I asked huddling into a group.

"I have memorized the way the categories are placed out." Hellen spoke just above a whisper.

"Great! Anyone else?"

"I found out the placement of the team stations and recorded the time it takes to run to the white board and back to press the button." Larid grinned.

"Ok great. We can use that." This may not be bad after all.


"Mr. Horan and Mr. Tomlinson." Mr. Krums announced partners for our Kemistry project. And from what I have witnessed, Louis and James are not going to get along. They dont have Kemistry. Get it? Haha no.

"May I please be with someone else?" Louis groaned as he sat at the lab table with James.

"No Louis. Would you rather be with a female?"

"Which one?"

"Alana." Mr. Krums sounds annoyed. Louis looked back at me and smirked.

"Yeah. That'd be better." Louis grinned at James who clenched his fists and glanced at me. I looked down at the table as Louis came back and sat next to me. "Hello love. Ready for 6 weeks of Kemistry?" He chuckled.


"Ugh! Finally! I'm starving!" I moaned as I took a bite of the sandwich in front of me. I sat in between Perrie and Vicky because I'm still pissed at the boys.

"Good thing its lunch then ay?" Zayn chuckled and slung his arm around Perrie's waist. I said nothing as Harry and Liam approached. The tatoo on Liam's arm caught my eye. And it looks exactly the same as the twins.

"So, whos ready for Prom?" Niall asked trting to cheer up the mood.

"Seeing as though Alana's birthday is two weeks after, we still have planning to do." Vicky nudged my shoulder.

"So what? I'm just turning 18, whats the big deal?"

"Because..... you're younger than us, and you will finally be 18! That's something to celebrate!" Zayn laughed.

"Yeah, if you're turning 16. Which if I do recall that was last year." I rolled my eyes and glanced over at the twins who were in conversation staring at me.

"So, how is all the bababaloo with math league?" Liam asked hoping for me to talk to him.

"What do you think?" I glanced at Harry and stood up before the bell rang. I made my way to my class for the rest of the day.


The final bell rang and I met up with Bailey. "Ready to meet our real parents?" She asked gripping my hand.

"As reafy as I'll ever be." She lead me out to where two very familiar looking people stood. Mark and Heather Lake. Instinct took over me and I rushed over and squished them into hugs with out even introducing myself. "Thank you."


Heheheeeeeee! It's midnight, so technically it is Wednesday for me! Here is the update! Vote and comment!


What color are your eyes?

My answer : blue ☆


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