Chapter 10

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So happay! Idk y



Alana's POV

"Thank you." I wrapped my arms around the woman's neck and her arms wrapped tighter around me.

"Even more beautiful then I thought!" Mark smiled and hugged Bailey.

"I never thought I would find you girls!" Heather cried and hugged Bailey, as I hugged Mark.

"I never knew I was adopted." I murmured.

"Are you two ready for dinner?" Heather's bright blue eyes remind me of Bailey's.

"This early dear? Lets go to the park and get to know the two first." The man that claims to be my father says. I see myself more in him then my mother. His smile, with the dimples. Hair color. Height.

"Oh, alright. Hop in ladies." My real mother chuckled getting into the passenger seat. Bailey and I hopped into the corvette and they drove us to the park. "So girls, how is school?"

"Boring." Bailey laughed.

"Oh, well thats normal. What about you Alana?"

"Difficult. I've got all advanced classes, three majorly hot guys that I have to deal with the probably hate me now." I said and instantly regretted saying it.

"Majorly hot? What are they like?" Mark chuckled as we walked underneath maple trees.

"Well, two are twins. The other is just obnoxious in his own way." I blush.

"Well, what are their names? I've got to be protective over my daughter now!"

"Niall, James, and Harry, Niall and James are the twins." I looked at the ground and blushed even more.

"When will we meet these boys?" Bailey laughed.

"You already know them Bailey." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm speaking for our parents, duh." She nudged my arm.

"Uh, I guess when you drop us off?" I scratched the back of my neck as we ended up walking to the restaurant.


"So uh, this is where the twins live." I said quietly and knocked on the front door.

"Alana! Bailey! Thank goodness you two are here, we need to talk. Hi, I'm Maura, and this is my husband Bobby. Please, come in." Maura welcomed the adults into her mansion. We all sat in the living room except for three. The twins and Calum.

"Alana, dear, do you mind getting the boys? I think they are up in James' room." Bobby asked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled and jogged up the spiral staircase. I opened James' room and they all looked at me. Topless. "Ah shit!" I covered my eyes.

"What?" Calum chuckled.

"Nothing. Just, get shirts on. My parents want to meet you." I slammed the door and waited for them to come out. We walked down the steps greeted by very familiar faces.

"Heather, Mark. These are our boys, James and Niall. And their friend, Calum." Maura pointed to each of them.

"Ah, so those are the twins you called majorly hot!" Heather sqealed as she pulled them into hugs. My face went tomato red. I bit on my lower lip to hide my smile.

"Majorly hot now? I think we'll talk about that." James winked.

"Well, we best be on our way. It was great to meet all of you. Alana, would you like us to pick you up tomorrow along with Bailey?" Mark's eyes asked for a yes.

"I think I'll take the bus, but thanks for the offer." He sighed and said his goodbyes.

"You should have gone. You need to get to know your parents." Grag huffed.

"Its fine Greg." I tense.

"Still! You should atleast get to know them!" He nearly yells.

"How can I get to know them after 15 years of never even knowing they were a lie!? How can I get to know them when they are complete strangers that abandoned me and Bailey at almost birth!? How Greg? You tell me!" I screamed back. The room went deadly silent.

"You shouldve at least tried. Nothing bad ever comes out of trying." He snapped and waltzed out of the room.


"No." I stopped Calum and walked to the room I was given. I slammed the door and flopped onto the bed. "Gaaaah!" I scream into the pillow and heap before I started to cry. I just sish it was my birthday. This is all so stupid!


So yeah, 6+ votes for a double update bc this was an early update and all. So yeah.


Who in the solo singer category, do you least like?

My answer : Taylor Swift. There's nothing wrong with her personally, just her music. Country music is what started her career. Shake It Off, has no country what so ever. Just saying.


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