Chapter 25

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So like ya

@Ashez_bebz  whuddup bish? Miss ya!


Alana's POV

"Where the hell am I?!" I yelled at Louis' mother as I thrashed around trying to break free of the chains. But being a werewolf, silver chains hurt like hell.

"Somewhere those mutts will never find you." She sharpened a knife as she spoke.

"Why do you hate me if you're son loved me?" I asked quietly.

"He is not my son. He was, adopted you could say."

"What happened?"

"When he was young, his mother was best friends with your great-great-great-great grandmother, Jade. The war wasn't even in existence when his mom was leader. But one day, one of your wolves went on a human blood frenzy and killed her. Ripped her head right off."

"But we dont drink blood."

"Ah, that is of now. But 200 years ago, all you varmint ever lived off of was human flesh and blood. I wouldn't be surprised if you went back to that." She scoffed and glanced at me. "You see, if it weren't for your father, everything would be fine..."

"What do you mean my father?!"

"Ah, Mark Holland, or Lake, I assume? Either or. He never told you? He was the first male decendent in your family for thousands of years. You are a hybrid like him, Esmeralda, and Jade. No one knew he was a wolf until about 7 years ago when he lashed out in front of a hunter. So when they say you are a decedent of Esmeralda, you are, but you are closer of a decendent to your father."

I stared at the ground and took it all in. He never told me, even when I finally saw him.

"Oh, don't be so sad youngin. I will take your pain away with one stab." She smirked and inched closer.

"Get away from me you hag!" I screamed and bared my teeth as they started to poke out.

"Aw, well that's not a nice word." She smirkedand held the knife above my head. "This will only take a second."

I kept struggling to get away and when she brought down the knife, it hit my directly in the shoulder. I screamed out in pain because he knife was made of silver. She twisted it and black blood spilled from my shoulder. She stopped moving and a look of horror spread across her face.

"Y-you're not just wolf and human! I've never seen this before. It must be the genetics that were crossed when a male was brought into the wolf blood side and made a werewolf himself." She muttered under her breath.

"What do you mean?!" I yelled at her. The knife was still in my shoulder, but surprisingly, I couldn't feel it.

"Hmm, what do I mean?" She asked herself and glanced at me. "I'm guessing you've never been sick before?"

"No, why?"

"Hmm. That makes me wonder..." she grabbed a bottle of purple liquid and read the back. "Anti-prodoxium. Kills up to 500 percent of werewolf DNA. Hmm, I wonder why I never used this on Jade or Esmeralda..."

"Get away from me!" She held a syringe with the liquid and plunged it into the spot on my shoulder where the knife still was. Black spots invaded my vision and I passed out.


Niall's POV

James and I ran as fast as we could without the pack following us. We made it to the mill and looked into a window seeing we were too late. Alana was dead and hanging from chains. "No!" I cried. Tears bluntly came down my face and I broke through the window, then transformed into my wolf.

James followed suit and we were face to face with Louis' adoptive mother. "Ah, I wasn't expecting you mutts to be here." She looked pissed.

Well you got us.

"Oh, looking at your beloved? She's not dead, just simply in the state of mind where she will lose all wolf inherits and most likely forget all of what has happened up to her birthday." I let out a low growl and launhed at her, clamping my jaws on her face and ripping her apart.

I started to breathe heavily and I walked towards Alana. Her head hung low and a knife and sirynge were stuck into her shoulder. James was already human and was carefully taking out the items.

"Alana." I whispered. She didn't move. Not even a sound. My wolf was in pain. Out of pure instinct, I morphed back and I let out a long howl to message the pack where we were, and then James joined in.

Within minutes of the call, mum was already here with the rest of the pack. She ran over and nudged my face with her head.

Don't worry. We will make sure nothing happens. And if something does, we will make it better, I promise boys.

I sighed and looked back at Alana. She started to move and I switched back yet again to human. Her head came up and her eyes opened. And three dreaded words escaped her mouth.

"Who are you?"


So ya, I've enjoyed writting this because it got some anger, confusion, sadness, etc out and I feel better. Yay!


PM me if you've ever had a boyfriend. XD


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