Chapter 15

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Still sick. WOO HOO

Wednesday -- I gave my friend a note today... telling her that I was done with her using me, so she's no longer my friend.

So yeah. #friendsless bc I have no friends, I'm not popular, people don't like me. I'm used to it.

But enough about me. If you havent followed @buffyleelovesnialler, then you are missing out! Follow her now!

(**Picture kills me**) ^^^^^^^^


Alana's POV

I clenched my fist as I made my way towards David. "Alana, you're safe!" He tried hugging me but I pushed him off.

"Yes, I'm safe." I rolled my eyes. As if it looks like I'm not?

"Who is this?" He asked with a scowl.

"No one you need to worry about. You aren't my father." I was growing agitated.

"I am still legally your father Alana."

"Not anymore. The papers are signed and I am now my real parent's daughter. Have a good day David." I turned around with Niall and started walking away. That was so hard to face him.

"Are you ok babe?" Niall asked with worried eyes.

"Yes, of course. Hey, can we walk to school? I need to set up some tables for tomorrow."

"Sure." He smiled and we walked across the street and down the road to school.

As we entered, teachers were running around frantically. "Oh Alana, please be a dear and help me put up this banner?" My English teacher Mrs. Duvel asked.

"Of course." I helped her pin it up and smiled as Niall and I headed for the gym. Of course, Harry was there setting up his display as well. "Sup Styles?" I notioned as I placed a bag on the table.

"Oh, you know. Math League." He smirked and flipped out a calculator.

"Well, I'll leave you to it." I rolled my eyes and started setting up tables.

Tomorrow is going to be hell.


"Welcome to the anual Math League! I'm Bart Henniker, your news reporter for today."

"Hi, Im Grace Wither, reporting live from TML. The anual Math League has everyone on their toes. Alana Holland and Harry Styles are the captains this year. The jock and the beaut."

"Who knew such a beautiful girl, and a handsome young man would be this years Math League captains? I'm Nathan Mathews, live."

News reporters were flodding the gym. Students, teachers, and parents filled the stands. A curtain hung from the ceiling hiding us from their view. I looked at my team with frantic eyes. I've never been so nervous before! "Ok guys. Today is pretty big. Larid, you got the banner up?"

"Yes ma'am, all done." He smiled.

"James." I tilted my head to the side and we walked off for quiet. "Look, about Fri-"

"Don't worry. It's nothing. We were both clearly drunk. I just cant wait until this Friday."


"Because then you'll understand everything." He hugged me and we went back to positions.

"Now, families, students, staff. A word from our male captain, Harry Styles." The audience clapped politely.

"Thank you everyone who came out this early. Monday's are always a bore aren't they? Well not today. We have something pretty big in store for all of you. I hope to see you in the winner's circle." You cheeky ass.

"And now, Alana Holland." Applause filled my ears as I moved past the curtains and in front of the mic. I looked in tje front row seeing my parents, sister, and the Horan family. Niall's eyes brightened when he saw me.

"Thank you to every single one of you. As my opponent has said, Monday's tend to be a bore. But oh, do we have something interesting for you tonight." I stopped and looked around mischievously. "And you'll see me in the circle, not curly." I whispered and everyone laughed. Mission accomplished.

"Thank you kids. Now lets begin! Shake hands." I walked up to Harry and held out my hand. As he reached for it, I turned on my heals and made him trip forward.

"Got to be faster then that curly!" I walked to my table and the bell rang meaning round 1 started.


After 18 rounds, the score is tied. 9-9. "After 18 round now have a total for our team captains to beat." We took position and he read off the question. "What is 34x plus 7 minus 4x minus 8?" I solved it quickly and hit the buzzer.

"30x plus -1!" I yelled hoping it was correct.

"That answer is..." he paused. Damn him. "Correct! Ladies and gentlemen! Our Math League champions of 2014! Team Alana!" I froze in place until Perrie and Vicky came over in a group hug. I hugged back, obviously shocked myslef.

"We won?" I asked as I jumped around with them.

"Yes! You won it for us!" Perrie squealed.

"Alana!" A familiar Irish voice overpowered all. A smile appeared as I turned around. I jumped into Niall's arms as he spun me around. "Congratulations beautiful." He kissed my cheek. The heat radiating off of my cheeks made me smile even more.

"Alana! Congratulations dear!"

"Thanks mom." I smiled. But to be honest, I was surprised I said mom. I think she was too.

"That juat made my day. Thank you Alana." She hugged me and shooed me and Niall off.

"Well today was a long day." I plopped into an empty chair.

"Yeah." Niall sat on the floor in front of my and played with my shoes.

"Hey, congrats on the win Alana." Harry smiled down to me.

"Thanks, not to shabby yourself curly. Its just one point, dont get upset about it." I teased.

"I wont. No need to. See you tomorrow." He walked off shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Well, we might want to head back. You want to spend he night?"

"Its the only place I have." I sighed.

"I thought-"

"Not yet Ni." I brushed him off and we headed to his car. "I'm so tired." I rested my head on the window as he drove.

"We're almost home babe." Whenever he says 'babe', my heart skips a beat. Damn, emotions are a pain.


Thursday -- So happy!

1. Im not sick anymore

2. One of my favorite authors followed me back

3. I got rid of all the weight that was on my shoulders. I made a new friend, that I guess she has always been my friend, and she has been helping me. No more depressed Katie! Yay!




If you had the choice to be a famous person for 1 week, who would you be and why?


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