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Y/n rode on his skateboard down the rows of McKinley High School's parking lot, Radiohead blaring through his headphones before he ripped them off of his head as Mr Schue's blue wreak of a car nearly hit him. He gave his spanish teacher the finger before walking off into the high school, returning the headphones to their spot over his ears in a vain attempt to block out the noisy student filled halls. Meanwhile Mr Schue kicked his car door shut, walking past a group of football players who surrounded Kurt by one of the trash cans.

 "Make some new friends Kurt?" Kurt stared at the teacher with a horrified look on his face. "He sure is Mr Schue," Puckerman spoke with a smirk on his face. "Hey Finn, you still owe me that report on lo que hiciste el verano pasado." Shuester spoke as he walked past the group. "What?" Finn asked as he turned to face his teacher. "What you did last summer." He clarified as he turned back around to face the direction he was walking in. "Almost halfway done with almost all of it, Mr Schue."The group turned back to Kurt, "It's hammer time." Puck spoke as he and one of the other football players moved to pick Kurt up. "Please this is from Mark Jacobs new collection." Finn stepped forward, "Wait." The two jocks let Kurt down so he could take off his jacket. He placed the blue jacket into Finn's hand. "Ok," Finn shrugged as his buddies threw the other teen into the garbage.

"Como esta usted? Yo me llamo Guillermo." Mr Schue spoke at the front of the classroom, the students repeating what he said lazily. Shuester spoke again, his students repeating him once more. "Bueno. Bueno."  As soon as the teacher finished speaking the bell rang causing all of the students to stand from their seats. Standing from his seat Y/n made sure to take the quickest path to the door to avoid any other student interaction. He had luckily managed to make it to his locker without any run ins with the football team or any other students that where likely to bother him.

"I'd like to take over glee club." Mr Shue spoke with a smile as he sat in front of Principal Figgins  in his office. "You want to captain the Titanic too?" Figgins questioned sarcastically as he stared down the man in front of him. "I think I can make it great again. There is no joy in these kids. They feel invisible. That's why every one of them has a MySpace page." Mr Schue spoke, still enthusiastic about his idea. "Sixty bucks a month. That's what I need to keep this program up." The brunette male raised his brows in shock, "A-a-and you–you expect me to pay it?" "Well, I'm certainly not going to pay for it." Mr Schue just stared at him. "We're not talking about Cheerios here, Will. They were on Fox Sports Net last year. When glee club starts bringing that kind of prestige to this school again, you can have all the money you want. Until then, sixty bucks a month, and you've got to use the costumes and props we already have. But we need the stools for wood shop." William shook just stared silently at him in disbelief.


Schuester–Hiding $60 a month from my wife, Terri, is gonna be hard. But I had a bigger problem. How was I going to get these kids motivated? One thing I knew for sure; We needed a new name.

William suddenly sat up in his bed, "New Directions!" He spoke to himself excitedly.

A dark skinned girl on the heavier side walked up to the club board and wrote her name down on the sign up sheet. "My name is Mercedes Jones and I'm singing–" She proceeded to sing Respect by Aretha Franklin.

A skinny white boy with brown hair walked over to the same sign up sheet, writing his own name down after looking down both ends of the hallway cautiously. "Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be singing Mr Cellophane."

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