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Kurt and the girls stopped dancing and turned to Kurt's dad as he turned up the thermostat a degree. "Dad. You're home early." Kurt said out of breath and shell shocked as he looked at his father. "Deadliest Catch is on." His dad said as he walked over to him. "What are you wearing?" Burt asked as he stopped in front of his son. "It's a unitard. Guys wear them to, uh, work out nowadays. Do sports. They wick sweat from the body." Burt reached forward and pulled at the fabric, letting it snap back against Kurt's skin. "F-f-football." Tina stuttered out after a short awkward silence between the two. "Yeah, all the guys in football wear 'em. They're jock-chic." Burt nodded, a bit skeptical. "Totally, Kurt's on the football team now." Kurt looked over to Brittney in shock. "He's the kicker. That's the smallest guy on the field, right?" "Yeah, Brit and Tina where just helping me with some conditioning work." Burt nodded again, "Hmm, really? You know I played in J.C. before I busted my knee poppin' wheelies on my dirt bike." Kurt looked to Tina then back to his dad. "Cool. I guess we'll have something to talk about then."

"So one of you two his girlfriend?" Burt asked as he looked over to Tina. Kurt reached over and wrapped his arm around Tina's waist. "But I'm not ready to be exclusive just yet." Tina nodded, playing along. Burt looked between his son and Tina. "All right, just keep the music down. I can't hear myself think up there." As his father moved to walk up the stairs he stopped. "Hey Kurt, be sure to get me tickets to your first game."

"Mornin' Mom." Y/n said as he turned to his now awake mother. M/n furrowed her brows. "Why are you up so early." Y/n shrugged, "Couldn't sleep. I made waffles though." He said with a smile as he gestured to the plate of waffles next to the old waffle-maker. "Ok, something's up." M/n said as she leaned against the counter. "What's wrong?" Y/n shook his head. "It's nothing mom, really. Let's just enjoy our breakfast before it gets cold." He spoke as he grabbed two glasses from the cupboard. "All right. But don't think I'm letting you off the hook that easily.

Mr Schue handed out the sheet music to the next sing the club was gonna do. "E-excuse me. This-This isn't in the right key." Rachel said as she looked up from the paper. Mr Schuester turned back to look at her. "No, it's actually the right key." "Th-this is the alto part." Rachel said in disbelief. "Yep. Tina's doing the solo." William said, unbothered by Rachel's distraught. "I-I'm sorry. There must be some sort of mix-up. I thought I made it very clear that anything from West Side Story goes to me. Marie is my part. Natalie Wood was a jew you know." Everyone ignored her, they had quickly gotten used to Rachel's spoiled personality. "I've had a very deep, personal connection to this role since the age of one."

"Well I'm trying to shake things up a bit, get us out of our boxes." Schuester said, just wanting to move on from the issue. "You're trying to punish me." Rachel said, upset. "I think you're being irrational." Mr Schue said right before Rachel burst out. "I think you're being unfair." "I think you're being a bitch." Y/n muttered to himself making the three Cheerios hold back their laughter. Schuester didn't seem fazed by Rachel's outburst. "I think you're being unfair to Tina, who might have been happy about getting her first solo." "Tina knows how much I respect, and I think she would agree with me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria." "Wait. I'm a Jet?" Mercedes said right before Rachel stormed out of the room. "The more times she storms out of rehearsals, the less impact it has." Artie said from next to Tina. "Congratulations, Tina. This is going well."

"Finn, I needed to ask you something." Kurt says as he walked over the football player after rehearsals. "Thanks, but I already have a date to prom. But I'm flattered. I know how important dances to teen gays are." Finn said before Kurt could even ask his question. "I'm not gay." Kurt said as Finn went to turn away. "I just... I needed a favor."

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