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If you guys wanna list of the songs I was gonna have Y/n sing but didn't get a chance to include let me know and I'll put it at the end of the next chapter.

So here's what's happened on Glee if you live in a cave or just got out of prison.

Will took over the glee club. At first, they were terrible. But then they got kinda good. Quinn got pregnant and said it was Finn's but really it was Puck's. And Will's wife, Terri, said she was pregnant. But she was just scared that Will liked Emma. And then they Kissed. Quinn and Y/n are getting weirdly close and Rachel loves that she and Finn are the glee club's new power couple. But he seems a little weird about it. Sue tried to throw sectionals, but they won anyway. Which is pretty exciting. That's what you missed on Glee.


Rachel walked down the McKinley halls, smiling with a glow from winning. "Hey, babe. Looking good." Mercedes said as she joined her. "Feelin' good, Mercedes." Mercedes giggled, "This is amazing. Ever since glee club won sectionals, everybody looks at us differently." Jacob Isreal walked up behind the now trio as Kurt joined them. "I wanna be with you, Rachel." Kurt shrugged, "We're glitterati. I feel like Lady Gaga." Rachel let out a dramatized sigh, "Get used to it, guys. we're stars now, on par with all the jocks and popular kids. It's the dawn of a new era here at McKinley, and we are gonna rule this school." Their enthusiasm was cut short with slushies to the face. "Ooh-hoo. Welcome to loser town. Population: You." One of the football guys said as they walked away from the trio.

"But I don't understand. We won sectionals. I've completely demonstrated the validity of this program. Now you're saying we have to place at regionals or the glee club is gone?" Mr Schuester questioned as he sat in front of Figgins. "Schue, that was the deal from the beginning. I still have a bottom line. Those spotlights in the auditorium don't run on dreams. Our electricity consumption is up two percent. Besides, it's cold out, Schue, and the Cheerios can no longer practice out of doors. They need the use of the auditorium as well." Mr Schuester shrugged, But the Cheerios don't even have a coach." Sue smugly walked into the office, "Oh, yes, they do." Schuester hesitantly turned his head to face her. "Hey, buddy. You get a haircut? Looks awful." She said, walking up to Figgins's desk with two cups of coffee. "What are you doing here?" He asked, looking up at her standing form. "I'm just dropping off a mocha for my maharishi." Schuester looked over to their Principal, betrayed. "I took the liberty of making it a double whip."

Sue said as she moved around the desk to set the coffee down. "Because after our conciliatory dinner, I happen to know that there is nothing you won't eat whipped cream off of." She said before blowing into his ear, making both of the men extremely uncomfortable. She looked over to the choir teacher, "Would've gotten you one, Will, but, uh, I don't like you." She said as she walked back around the desk over to his side. "Ok," She spoke as she walked back out of the room, eerily reminiscent of the last time she was in the office. "Ok, what the hell is going on here?" William asked, frustrated. "You suspended her after she leaked our setlist to sectionals." Figgins glanced up at him from his paperwork, "Yes, and the point of suspension is reinstatement." Schue sat back in the office chair, confused about what was going on.

"Hey, Finn." Rachel said as she stepped in front of her boyfriend's path. "Oh," He said as he looked down at her, his mind rejoining reality. "I made us his-and-her relationship calendars," She said as she held up the two calendars. "That way, we always know what the other is up to, so you can't say you forgot we had plans when you miss our dates anymore." She said as she shifted one of the calendars into his hands. "Great. But I'm kind of allergic to cats, so..." Finn trailed off as he tried to walk past her. "I filled in all of our dates for the next month." She said as she pivoted on her heels to trail after him. "On the sixth, we're going to see Phantom at the Autistic Children's Center." Rachel continued and Finn nodded, pretending he was listening to her.

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