Journey To Regionals

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So I don't know why anyone would miss an episode of glee, but here's what's been happening in case you did;

 Quinn's parents found out she's pregnant so they kicked her out. For a while she was moving between Puck and Y/n's house but then Mercedes offered for her to live at her house. Jesse dropped Rachel and McKinley and the New Directions and he's back on Vocal Adrenaline, which freaked everybody out and convinced them they can't beat them at regionals. If they don't place at regionals, the club is over, which would be awful. That's what you missed on glee.


Mr Schuester smiled as he stepped away from the glee poster he had just hung in the hallway. "Hey, buddy. See you on Saturday." Sue said as she passed by him. "Wait. What?" He said as he watched her walk past him. "At regionals. Didn't you hear? I'm one of the judges." Mr Schue stared after her retreating form in horror as she walked away from him.

William slammed his hands down on Principal Figgins's desk. "You cannot allow this to happen!" He exclaimed and Fggins sighed. "It's out of my hands, Willaim. I have no control over what the Show Choir Governing Board says or does." Sue smiled, "Let me break it down for you, Will. It's been decided that this year's regionals will be judged by celebrities. And I'm a celebrity now, William. Now I realize my cultural ascendance only serves to illuminate your own banality but face it. I'm a legend. It's happened." Mr Schuester sighed. "Do you have any idea how hard my kids have been working, Sue?" She shook her head, "I have to be honest, Will. I'm having a really difficult time hearing anything you have say today because your hair looks like a briar patch."

Schuester groans and sits back down as she continues on, "I keep expecting racist animated disney characters to pop up and start singing songs about living on the bayou." Will leaned forward and whispered, "Principal Figgins, I am begging you. Do not let her do this to those kids." Sue shot up out of her seat on the couch, "William, I resent the implication that I don't play by the rules." He shook his head, "You leaked our set list at sectionals, Sue!" He yelled and Sue shook her head. "I have no memory of that." "I will not let you do this. We have worked ourselves to the bone to get where we are." Principal Figgins shook his head, "I'm sorry, Will, but our arrangement stands. You must win or place at regionals, or I'm disbanding the club." William winced. "If I were you I would spend less time complaining to me and more time convincing Judge Sylvester here that your New Directions have got the goods!"

Sue held back a giggle as she gave Schuester a smile, "Good luck with that, Will."

"So, you're staying with Mercedes permanently?" Y/n asked as he leaned in the doorway of his house's guest room. Quinn giggled as she paused her packing, "You're not going to miss you that much, are you?" She asked as she turned to face him. Y/n shrugged, "I guess. It'll just be weird without you always lurking around." He said stepping forward to tickle her sides. Quinn pushed him off of her and she resumed packing. "You'll still see me at school. It's not like I'm going to vanish." He shrugged while taking a step back, "You're still going to come over for movie night though, right?" Quinn scoffed and turned to him with a smile, "Wow, you really have gotten attached." Y/n smiled as they locked eyes and they stood like that for a moment before Y/n's cat entered the room screaming. "Seems like I'm not the only one who's gotten attached."

The group of glee kids sat solemnly together in Mr Schuester's living room. Y/n sighed as he set down his soda. "Quinn's taking too long, I'm gonna go check on her." He said as he stood from the couch. He knocked on the wall to grab her attention and she took a deep breath as her head whipped to face him. "Hey, Quinnie. You ok?" Y/n asked as he moved to stand next to her against the counter. "It's just been a long year." Y/n nodded with a chuckle, "Yeah, it really has. Do you want help with the plates?" He asked and they both reached for the same stack. They locked eyes as Quinn's hand landed on top of his. In a moment of impulse, Quinn moved forward and connected her lips to his. Y/n was quick to push her back. "I'm sorry," She quickly let out as she moved her hands to grab the stack of napkins.

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