Vitamin D

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Here's what happened last week. Rachel and the glee club know that Quinn's pregnant, but they all think Finn's the father when really it's Puck. Yikes! Y/n got mad and slammed Puck into some lockers because he's the one who told everyone and Y/n totally has a crush on Quinn. And Terri's only fake pregnant and wants Quinn to give her her baby so Will won't find out. Oh, and also, Ken is dating Emma, but she's really got eyes for Mr Schue. And that's what you missed on glee.


"Five, six, seven, eight. Step, turn, out, in, ball-change, step ball-change, step." Schuester spoke the counts and steps out loud as he practiced the new choreography he had made. "Come on, guys. You're sleepwalking on me here. Give me some energy. We've got sectionals in two-" Mercedes cut him off as she rolled her eyes, "Please, sectionals is going to be a breeze." William sighed, "Maybe so, but if we coast through sectionals, we're gonna get killed at regionals. We have got to be on our game." Kurt laughed making Mr Schue look over to him. "Sorry, funny youtube. It's a grave stomping one."

"The kids have gotten really complacent. It's like the fire has totally gone out." Schuester said as he sat in the teacher's lounge with Emma. "Um, um, I'm sorry, you've just, uh, you've got a little mustard in your cute kirk douglas chin dimple," Emma said as she cleaned her food. William leaned forward as he tried to lick the mustard off his face, "Did I get it?" Emma reacher forward with one of her gloved hands and wiped it off for him. "There." She said as she pulled her hand back. "Thanks." "Um, so when did- when did this start to happen?" Emma asked now focused back on their conversation. "A week ago. They think they've got it in the bag so they've simply stopped trying. I've got to figure out some way to motivate them." Emma grabbed her Tupperware, "Ok, um. Oh, what about a sticker board? That's how my parents got me to do chores when I was a kid. Right, so I'd do a chore and then I'd get a star and then-" Sue cut Emma off from where she sat, "Oh dear god, please, please stop talking. I'm trying desperately to ignore the treacly sweet inanity of your asinine conversation. But now I've got bile in my mouth and I will hold my tongue no further."

Sue set her pen down and picked up her clipboard to show the two of them the paper on it. "You know what this is? It's a list of my Cheerios. Every week I pick someone at random and I kick 'em out." Will leaned his head against his hand, "Yeah, well in glee club we do things a little bit differently." Coach Sylvester set down her clipboard, "Oh yeah, Will? How's that working for you? You have to remember something. We're dealing with children. They need to be terrified. It's like mother's milk to them. Without it, their bones won't grow properly. So if you want results with a kid, you find that competitive animal within and unleash it." Sue's words gave William an idea. "I can't believe she's allowed to teach at this school," Emma said as she began to eat her salad. "You know... She may have a point."

"Competition." Mr Schue turned to the bulletin board behind him, "Every one of these people or elements was a champion in their own right. But they used competing with each other to make themselves even better." "I don't understand how lightning is in competition with an above-ground swimming pool." Kurt said, "And logistically speaking a great white shark and a brown bear would never interact with each other. Their environments aren't close at all." Y/n tacked on to Kurt's words. Mr Schue shook his head, "Just go with it." Schuester walked away from the board and closer to the group of glee kids. "You guys have become complacent. You were great at the invitational, but you gotta up your game if you wanna get through sectionals." Finn yawned as Mr Schue continued speaking. "Ok, split up. Guys on the left side, girls on the right side." Everyone just stayed standing where they were. "Let's go, come on." They all irritatedly moved to follow Schuester's instructions.

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