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Here's what you missed last week;

 Quinn's pregnant and Puck's the father, but everybody thinks it's Finn. Except for Quinn's parents, who don't know anything at all. They just know she's in the Celibacy Club. And that's what you missed on Glee.


"Ballad. From middle English 'ballade'. Who knows what this word means?" Schuester asked as he moved away from the whiteboard to look at the glee kids. "It's a male duck," Brittney said confidently. "Kurt," Mr Schue said pointing to one of the students with their hand raised. "A ballad is a love song." "Sometimes, but they don't always express love. Ballads are stories set to music which is why they're the perfect storm of self-expression. Stories and music are the way we express feelings that we can't get out any other way. Ok, now sectionals are in a few weeks. And there's a new rule this year. We have to perform," Schue paused for dramatic effect as he walked back to the whiteboard, "A ballad." "Look's like my weekly letter to the Ohio Show Choir Committee finally paid off." Rachel said excitedly as Y/n raised his hand, "Yes, Y/n," William said as he pointed to the boy with the blue dry erase marker in his hand. "Are there any confinements you're going to add on? Because you've kinda got the habit of doing so and not telling us."

Mr Scheuster's lips pulled into a thin line, "Ok, so here's our assignment for the week. I'm gonna pair you off, and I want you to pick a ballad to sing to your partner. Look 'em right in the eye, find the emotion you want to express, and make them feel it." Finn spoke up first, "I pick Quinn." Schuester looked over to the tall teen, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Too easy," Some of the students rolled their eyes. "Your partners will be chosen by fate." Y/n let out a buzzer noise, "You forget Schue, we have an odd number of students." Willaim pointed to him, "There, my dear student, is the catch. My name is also in the hat everyone will be drawing from. Who's up first?" Puck stood up and walked over to the hat, the other club members doing a makeshift drumroll on their legs. "Mercedes," He said as he opened the sheet making said girl roll her eyes. As the picking went on the pairings went; Y/n and Quinn, Finn and Kurt, Tina and Mike, Santana and Brittany, Artie and Matt, and lastly Mr Schuester begrudgingly paired with Rachel.

Artie raised his hand, "Would you mind clarifying what kinds of songs you want us to sing?" Rachel shrugged, "Why don't you let Mr Schuester and I demonstrate? Brad, Endless Love in B-flat, please. It's my favorite duet." Schue furrowed his brows as she watched Rachel move to stand closer to their pianist, Brad. "I really don't think that's an appropriate song, Rachel." Rachel tilted her head, "Why? It's a great song and it's a perfect ballad." Finn shrugged, egging this whole thing on, "Yeah, I really like that song, Mr Schue." The other students laughed.

The other teens in the club gave awkward applause as their teacher shifted on the balls of his feet uncomfortably. "Ok. Something like that." Y/n leaned forward to whisper to Mercedes, "It wasn't just me, that was totally creepy weird, right?" Mercedes let out a chuckle as she turned and gave him a nod.

"Sweetie, I am so proud of you," Quinn's mother said as she stood adorned in a white dress. 'The chastity ball is so important to your father."

Quinn– God I miss the firm support of my polyester cheerios uniform. The control panel hid my baby bump perfectly.

Quinn thought to herself as her mother moved to stand behind her so she could zip up the dress. "Hmm. That's odd. We had this custom made a month ago." She said as the zipper didn't fully move up. "I had a really big lunch today at school. Really big tacos," Quinn lied to assure her mother. The older woman let out a chuckle, "No worries, sweetie. I'll just take it down to the tailor tomorrow. We'll let it out a little bit. The problem here, honey, is, you know, I-I just don't think you've been getting enough exercise ever since you quit the cheerios. Am I right?" Quinn nodded and falsely confirmed her mother's words. "I mean, you used to spend hours every day doing backflips and high kicks. And now- you spend all your free time sitting on a stool in the dark singing show tunes. Do you know how many calories you burn singing? Hmm? Not very many."

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