The Rhodes Not Taken

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Here's what happened last week:

Quinn told Finn, "I'm pregnant." But she didn't tell him that he's not the father, Puck is. Can you believe that? That's not the only baby drama. Terri says she's pregnant, but really she's faking and Mr Schuester doesn't know. Also, Rachel quit the glee club because Sue got Sandy to come back to direct a musical. And that's what you missed on Glee.


"Quinn, you ok?" Mr Schue asked as the blonde rushed out of the room,  Y/n following after her as he haphazardly grabbed something from his backpack along with a water bottle. "I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito," Finn said, making an excuse for the sudden leave she took. "Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?" Kurt said. "Your sexuality?" Santana fired back. "Rachel. We can't do it without her." He continued, ignoring Santana's offhanded comment. "That's not true. We may have to layer Santana or Mercedes over Quinn's solo, but... we'll be fine." Mr Schue said. "Maybe for the invitationals, but not for the sectionals. And certainly not the regionals." Artie said from over where he sat with the band. "Wheelchair kid's right. That Rachel chick makes me wanna light myself on fire, but she can sing." Puck added on.

"Rachel left, guys. She's gone. Now, if we're gonna make this thing work, we can't look back." Mr Schue said, tired of everyone depending on Rachel. "All right, take five guys." The kids separated into their friend groups as Finn walked over to where Mr Schue sat at the piano. "I don't wanna tell you how to do your job but, uh, with all the dancing around that Quinn's doing, I'm kinda worried about the baby." Schuester nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Um... How about I give Tina a few of her verses? Ok?" Will suggested.  "Ok," Finn agreed, feeling a bit better. "You think you might wanna tell your mom about what's going on?" "I think I'd rather handle it myself right now. My mom's got enough to worry about."

Y/n pushed off the wall as Quinn came out of the girls' restroom. "You ok? Still feeling nauseous?" Quinn shook her head. "Here, just to get the taste out of your mouth." He said as he handed her the water bottle. "Thanks. Honestly, I have no idea how I'd get through this if I didn't have someone like you who knew what they were doing." Y/n smile, "I just go off what my mom tells me will help, I don't really know anything outside of what she tells me." Quinn smiled as she caped the lid back on the bottle. "Well, I'd say you're doing great." Y/n smiled, "Hey, would you want to come over sometime? My mom has been dying to meet you." Quinn giggled, "I'll think about it, but no promises."

Terri and William sat together at a diner. "How come you haven't had any morning sickness?" Will asked making his wife look up from her pie. "Quinn Fabray's been upchucking every fifteen minutes." "Really?" Terri gasped, "That's a really good sign. That means the baby's not a mongoloid." Terri explained. "Well is it bad that you haven't been sick then?" Will asked. "Oh, honey, no... No, no, you should ask Howard Bamboo about my Linda Blair impersonations every half hour at work." Will let out a hum. "I don't know what I'm gonna do about this whole Rachel thing." Will went to speak again when their waiter walked over.  "Would you like anything else?" He asked and as William looked over to him he realized he recognized the boy. "Another piece of grasshopper pie." "What are you going for the record?" Terri's face dropped. "I'm with child."

 "Hey, did you go to McKinley High? I think I had you in my spanish class." "Yeah, like five years ago. I go to Carmel now." The waiter said confusing the teacher. "How- how is that possible? You must be 22." "24." The man corrected. "I'm a six-year senior. They keep failing me so I can stay in Vocal Adrenaline."  He explained. "They fail you on purpose? Is that legal?" Schuester questioned. "I'm the only one who can do the triple flip." Terri sighed, "Yeah, hey how about that other piece of pie?"

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