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A/n: Y'all can thank Juke Box Hero by Fournier for this update as it single-handedly revived my writing motivation and you can thank Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong for the angst(ish) I also apologise for being gone so long and then coming back with such a short chapter.

Here's what you missed last season on Glee:

Quinn had a baby. Finn and Rachel are in love. Quinn kissed Y/n but he said he didn't want to be a rebound, yikes. They haven't talked since then so this year's gonna be tense. Sue's going easy on Will, and even though the glee club worked really hard to get to regionals, they didn't win. But it's ok to not win an award, particularly when you had so much fun getting there. Right? Right? And that's what you missed on glee.


"Up here. Come on focus." Jacob said to his cameraman to pull the attention back to him and away from one of the cheerleader's butts. "Ok. Hi, I'm Jacob Ben Isreal, with Glee's big gay summer with all the glee club dish you're dying to know." Jacob nodded his cameraman to follow after one of the passing members, Y/n. "Y/n, how do you feel about people saying you're in a throuple with Quinn and Puckerman?" Said boy paused and turned to face Jacob, side-eyeing the camera. "What? Who's saying that?" Jacob shoved the mic in his face, "So you and Puck aren't in a homoromantic relationship caused by your massive crush on Quinn and him knocking her up?" Y/n shook his head as he pushed Jacob and his cameraman away from him, "You need to check your sources, dude." Jacob then turned to the camera, "That wasn't denial. They're totally gay." He then turned to find more glee members to harass through the halls.

"How has life changed since the birth of your bastard child?" Jacob asked as he shoved the mic in Quinn's face. She closed her locker and turned to face him calmly. "Well, I'm happy to be back and I'm ready for to start fresh." Quinn's eyes fluttered past the camera as she spotted Y/n who stopped and his the camera as he noticed it aimed at Santana's boobs. "Pervert much?" He rolled his eyes but didn't move to walk away. "And I'm a lot less hormonal so-so there's not really any crying." She nodded, trying to stay focused on Jacob and his interview as he moved on to bother Santana. "How was your summer?" He asked, obviously staring at her boobs. "Move on, creeps." Y/n said as he moved in front of the camera, hoping to prevent Santana from getting into a fight this early on in the year. As Y/n crossed his arms in front of his chest it was clear he had spent a good chunk of his summer working out. With the newfound wall preventing his harassment Jacob moved on to his next victim.

Y/n turned around to face Quinn, a fresh air of awkwardness crowding the hall. "Hey," The blonde echoed his greeting and for a moment the two just stared at each other, not having spoken once all summer. Contrary to what Y/n told her at Schuester's apartment, they hadn't talked about the kiss. Santana gagged from beside Quinn, interrupting their attention-filled eye contact, "Get a room before I puke all over you both." Brittany stared at them both, "With the way you're staring Quinn might get pregnant again." Y/n shook his head, "That's not how- forget about it."

Mr Schuester stood frustrated in front of the school's club posterboard, the glee club was the only one on the wall empty. "Hey, William," Sue said as she joined his side in the hallway. "Why so glum? Cat crap in your coffee?" She asked with a snicker at the idea. "Or are you worried no one's signing up for your little club there?" Will grit his teeth, "Nah, not at all Sue. Nationals are in New York City this year!" Sue nodded at his enthusiasm. "I think that list is going to be filled up in no time." Coach Sylvester stepped forward to take down his poster and show it to him like a teacher explaining an assignment to an elementary schooler. "Well, you know what your problem is? "No tryouts, Just sign up"," She read off of the paper. "Nobody wants to be a part of a club that just anyone can join." She pulled out a paper from her pocket. "See this? It's a court summons, child endangerment."

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