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I know I forgot the key in chap 1 so I'm gonna include it here real quick.

M/n= Mom's name

Y/n= your name

L/n= last name

h/c= Hair color

e/c= eye color

s/t= skin tone

also I made your hair short but I didn't say how short so that's up to you.


Mr Schue pulled into his usual parking space, waving to one of his students as he got out of the car. He began walking down the parking lot Y/n nearly running into him with his skateboard as he got distracted by Rachel calling out his name. "I went to the library and I got some sheet music and I wanted to run some songs by you that feature me heavily on lead vocal." She moved to walk close beside him as they made their way towards the school. "Thanks, Rach, but I already got one picked out." The sophomore visibly deflated. "It's, uh,-" Finn walked over to the pair, grabbing Rachel's roller bag from her hand. "Let me help you with that." As the two talked with each other Schuester continued to search through his satchel for the sheet music. "Thanks, Finn. You're so chivalrous." "Thanks. That's a good thing, right?" Rachel and Finn continued to walk together as Mercedes, Tina and Artie joined Mr Schue. "Hey Mr Schue. We're just learning some runs."

Y/n walked down the halls of McKinley, stopping at his locker to put away unnecessary books that he wouldn't need for his first to periods. He unintentionally listened in on the conversation three of the Cheerios where having right next to his locker. He would have tried to block them out but he didn't want to go through the hassle of getting his headphones back out of his bag and they were talking so loud it's not like it would of mattered anyways. "But for real though he's so hot, and you know what they say about quiet guys; they're the best in bed." One of them giggled as Y/n raised a brow. "I'd totally let him hit it if I didn't already have a boyfriend. Did you see those hands?" Y/n shut his locker bringing there attention over to him. One of the girls went beet red, Y/n didn't really get why but he didn't sit on the subject for too long, it's not like he actually cared anyway. Girls can do what and who they want, it's none of his business.

Emma waited by one of the hallways, intentionally walking by to bump into Will Schuester. As the two of them collided a surprised gasp left them both. "Oh, Will! Oh, gosh." Will let out a chuckle as he spoke, "Hey, Emma." "Hi." "Hey, I wanted to thank you so much for the advise you gave me the other day. I mean, teaching here and coaching glee club- it's where I belong." He spoke with sincerity as Emma smiled. "Oh, it's no problem. I mean, it's what I do.I give counsel and give guidance. I'm a guidance counselor." Schue nodded, "Yeah, you are." Santana walked up the steps, rolling her eyes as Emma made a comment about the two of them matching colors. "Get a room." She interjected as she walked by, Quinn close behind her. "Miss Sylvester wants to see you in her office, Mr Schue. She doesn't like to be kept waiting." The blonde spoke as she walked by as well. "You got it."

"Hey, Sue. You wanted to see me?" Will spoke as he peaked his head into Coach Sylvester's office. "Hey, buddy. Come on in." She spoke from her treadmill. Sue let out a huff as she got off of the treadmill, "I just blasted my hammies. Iron tablet?" She offered as she moved over to her desk. "Keeps your strength up while you're menstruating." Schue furrowed his brows, "I don't menstruate." "Yeah? Neither do I." Sue took as sip of her drink before walking over to Schuester. "So, I had a little chat with Principal Figgins and he said that if your group doesn't place at regionals he's cutting the program. Ouch." William pointed the container of iron tablets Sue gave him at her. "You know, you don't have to worry about glee club. We're gonna be fine." Sue leaned back. "Really? 'Cause I was at the local library where I read Cheerleading Today aloud to blind geriatrics, and I came across this little page turner; Show Choir Rule Book. And turns out, you need twelve kids to qualify for regionals. Last time I looked you only had five and a half, Here" She handed him the book. "Cripple in the wheelchair." She clarified which kid she meant by half.

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