Bad Reputation

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If you wanna read a That 70s Show fic here's the link to fill out a little quiz to help me write it;

So here's what's happened on Glee;

Jesse left Vocal Adrenaline so he could date Rachel, so now he's part of the Glee club and they're the new power couple. Previous power couples? Rachel and Finn, also Rachel and Puck. Will still has a crush on Emma but he hasn't divorced Terri yet and he made out with the coach of Vocal Adrenaline. And Sue? Still just kind of angry about everything. Oh, and Quinn kissed Y/n after they had a moment in his bedroom. It was on the cheek, but it still counts as something so maybe they've finally admitted that the other has feels for them back. And that's what you missed on Glee.


"What's so funny?" Finn questioned as he entered the club room to Mercedes, Kurt, Tina, Artie, and Y/n laughing at a computer set up on a stool. "You guys aren't watching the video of me falling off stage at my first Tiny Tots beauty pageant, are you?" Rachel questioned as she sat down with Jesse hand in hand. Kurt waved dismissively in her direction, "Oh, that was carrot-top funny compared to this comedic tour de force." Jesse slung an arm over Rachel's shoulder as he spoke, "That's Olivia Newton-John's physical. It was pretty groundbreaking subject matter at the time, considering its depiction of fluid sexuality." Mercedes let out a gasped laugh, "Oh my god!" Finn leaned forward closer to the screen, "Wait, wait. That's not Olivia Newton-John. That- That's Sue Sylvester." Finn gaped at the screen before turning his head to face Kurt. "Where did you get this?" Kurt let out a giggle, "Well, I certainly did not steal it from her locked file cabinet yesterday when she sent me back to her office to get her hormone replacement injection during Cheerios practice." Laughs echoed through the group as they watched the tape, waiting for the bell to signal class starting. "Wait. Did she just do the cabbage patch?" Artie asked as he leaned closer to get a better look at the screen.

"I'm posting this on YouTube," Finn stated as he stood to get to the computer and Tina reached forward to stop him as Rachel voiced her protest. "No, no, no. Wait, wait. Do you think that's a good idea? She might kill us." Mercedes giggled, "Oh, let her get a taste of some of the humiliation she put us through." "As much as I'd hate to agree with Berry, she's right. If we post this we could be suspended and that means we won't qualify for Regionals." Y/n said as he reached forward to turn up the audio. "I'm with Finn. You guys need to stop being such asses and start being badasses." Finn leaned forward again and grabbed the computer at Jesse's encouraging words. "Ten bucks it goes viral by lunch."

"That glee club stole my private property and posted it online," Sue spoke angrily as she paced in front of Principal Figgins's desk behind where Mr Schuester sat. "And as soon as I figure out the difference between slander and libel, I'm filing a lawsuit." Figgins sat up in his chair to protest her threat as Schuester spoke up. "Sue, don't you think you might be overstating this a little?" Sue looked over at the sitting man, "Will, I might buy a small diaper for your chin because it looks like a baby's ass. That video has received over 170,000 comments. I took the liberty of printing out a few." The blonde woman spoke as she threw papers on Figgins's desk. "The man in this video looks like the champion cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester." He read off the top sheet. "That was particularly hurtful." Mr Scheu cleared his throat, "You know, Sue, there are a lot of people in this school who dislike you. My kids don't do stuff like this." He stated and Sue looked down at him. "Is that so? Exhibit b." She handed him another one of the sheets in her hand. "What's a glist?" She leaned closer to him, "It's a glee list, William. It's a weekly ranking of your glee club, based on a hotness quotient of sexual promiscuity. It was posted all over the school an hour ago."

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