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Ok, so I started writing mash-up but a lot of that ep I found unnecessary to write and I didn't have a long enough chapter so I'm skipping it. Also sorry for putting this on hold, I got kinda preoccupied and then my computer messed up so I had to get a new one. Rip to my second-hand Mac OS that I had for six years, you did me well😔✊🕊️.

So here's what you missed last week. Quinn's pregnant and everyone thinks that Finn's the father. Though really, it's Puck. But Quinn thinks he's a Lima loser and doesn't want anything to do with him. Also, Kurt told everyone he's gay, including his dad, who was actually kinda cool about it. And since her feelings with Kurt didn't work out Mercedes kinda has a thing for Icarus but doesn't know he's into Quinn, yikes. And that's what you missed on Glee.


Finn walked up the bleacher steps and sat next to Quinn as she watched the Cheerios practice, "You shouldn't do this to yourself." "Do what?" Quinn asked as she kept her gaze on the Cheerleaders. "I know how much it hurts to be off the team. You're just torturing yourself watching." Quinn spared a glance at her boyfriend before shaking her head, "I need a good distraction." "From what?" The blonde let out a sigh and pulled an envelope from her cream-colored bookbag, handing it to Finn. He opened the envelope and pulled out hospital bills, his eyes scanned over it in shock as he read the numbers. "$685?" "That's how much a sonogram cost. This is just the beginning. There's gonna be more doctors' visits, vitamins, new clothes for when I explode." Finn paused as he absorbed all the information Quinn was giving him, "What are we gonna do?" Quinn scoffed and looked over to her brunette boyfriend, "What are YOU gonna do?" Finn panicked, "Well, I'm looking for a job. I mean, no one's hiring. I almost got in at Olive Garden, but they said I was too tall to be a busboy." Quinn shook her head, "Somewhere in that pea brain of yours is a man. Access him and tell him to prove to me that I chose the right guy to have a baby with." Quinn moved to stand and Finn placed his hand on her knee to stop her, "I will. I-I'll find a job. You can count on me, I swear." Quinn stood up and walked down the bleachers away from him. "Where- Where you goin'?" "You were right. This does hurt too much."

Jacob looked at Quinn walking away from Finn and back to Coach Sylvester. "My blog has lit up with comments suggesting you don't have a shot at nationals since you lost Quinn Fabray." He said before moving his audio recorder over to Sue. "No, the Cheerios are stronger than ever. We're gonna take nationals with this routine." Jacob looked over to the Cheerios doing their cheer routine with jump ropes, it was subpar at best but it was newly learned. Sue held her megaphone up to her lips as the routine ended, "Mediocre! Hit the showers!" She shouted before walking out of the gym, Jacob following close behind her. "I have several sources reporting Quinn didn't wanna leave but you kicked her out because of the pregnancy scandal." "Well, Jacob, this is Ohio, and in order to win my Cheerios need to appeal to that panel of judges. So If I have a pregnant girl doing a handspring into a double layout the judges aren't going to be admiring her impeccable form. They're going to be wondering if the centrifugal force is going to make the baby's head start crowning." Sue stopped in the hall and faced the brunette teen. "Oh, and by the way, all this... Off the record." She pulled the recorder from his hand. "Probably should've told you that earlier."

"This isn't fair," Will said as Sue passed in front of him and Principal Figgins. "Is it fair that I have to stop providing the baseball team with protective cups? I only get a certain amount of dollars a year to spend, William." Figgins said annoyed, "Yeah, but Artie-" "He's used to overcoming challenges. He'll just have to find his own ride to sectionals. That handicapable bus cost $600 a week to rent. We can't afford it." Will raised his brows as the two entered Figgins's office "But there's enough money in the budget to fly the Cheerios all over the country for their competitions?" Figgins set down his briefcase as he moved behind his desk, "Sue Sylvester has boosters that write fat checks. None of her travel expenses come out of the school budget." Will shook his head, "Look when I was in the glee club the best part of the competitions was the bus ride to the event. It was about camaraderie and supporting each other." "You think I feel good about this?" "Well, my students won't stand for it." Figgins shrugged, "That's very moving, but my hands are tied, Shue. If you want the bus, you're gonna have to find a way to pay for it yourself." Mr Schuester let out a sigh as he walked out of the principal's office.

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