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A/n: Sorry, I've been gone I had to take a break because my cat gave birth so I've had to keep an eye on her and her kittens. But now that they're about a week old I can finally write again without having to constantly check up on her. And Y/n is going to be in sue's group bc I wanna keep him racially ambiguous for my BIPOC readers out there.

Here's what you missed last week. Quinn's pregnant, and Puck's the father, but Quinn decided to give the baby to Terri, who's not pregnant, just pretending to be. It was her sister Kendra's idea. Also, Ken proposed to Emma, and she said yes. Oh, and Sue got Figgins to make her co-director of the glee club. And that's what you missed on Glee.


Sue and Mr Schuester stood in front of the glee club yelling at each other as the teens watched.

Schuster– How did this happen? I look like a crazy person. That's not me. Wow. I didn't know the vein on my neck could stick out like that. We've been going at it for a week... Ever since the decongestant incident with Figgins brought Sue into co-run glee club. I'm so ashamed of myself. She's turned me into her.

Sue– Look at me. Even in the heat of battle, I'm so elegant, regal. I am Ajax, mighty greek warrior. God, it feels good to finally pop that zit known as Will Schuester.

Schuester– Shut up, Sue. Look at us. We're even fighting in our voice-overs. I guess things really started to fall apart a couple days ago... right after Figgins called us into his office for a sit-down.


"Sue, Schue, I called you here to get the temperature of the glee club," Figgins said as he sat in his office chair in front of the two teachers. "Great," William said as he readjusted in the uncomfortable chair. "I wanted to get a progress report on how you're working together as co-directors." Figgins gave the two of them a look. "Well, I think-" "-In my opinion," The two began to speak at the same time. "No go ahead," Sue said, "No you," Will spoke after. "Ok. Principal Figgins. Uh, things couldn't be going any more smoothly." William nodded, "I couldn't agree more." The two let out forced chuckles as they pretended to get along. Figgins leaned forward in his chair, "I don't want to hear any reports of either of you trying to curry favor from the children. Am I clear?" Mr Schuester shook his head, "Oh, absolutely!"

"As we head into sectionals, I wanna get some feedback." Mr Schue said as he sat in front of the glee kids. "Like, what kind of stuff you guys would like to be doing. Is there anything, any music in particular, that you guys wanna do?" "Can we maybe try something a little more black?" Mercedes asked. Kurt agreed, "I agree. We do an awful lot of show tunes." Y/n looked down at Mercedes excitedly, "like Living Colour!" She furrowed her brows, "Excuse me?" "They're an all-black rock band that started in the late 80s." Mercedes turned back to face Mr Schueser as she pointed back at Y/n, "See, now that sounds dope." Rachel sighed, "It's glee club, not crunk club." Mercedes turned in her plastic chair to face the brunette, "Don't make me take you to the carpet." "Fantastic!" Mr Schue spoke up before a fight broke out between the two girls. "Thank you, Mercedes, Kurt, Y/n. Duley noted. Anything else?"

Mike raised his hand with a shrug, "I can pop and lock." Mr Schue took in a breath, "Not really what we're goin' for, Mike but... noted, noted, yes."

"And no pitting the kids against one another," Figgins said looking between the two. "Never," Sue said as she shook her head.

"I wanna pit these kids against one another. Am I clear?" Sue said to the tree cheerios as she leaned her arm against her desk. All of the girls nodded. "Quinn, update. Go." "The minority students don't feel like they're being heard." Sue leaned back in her chair, "Ah. Chink in the armor, huh? I am going to create an environment so toxic no one will want to be a part of that club. Like the time I sold my house to a nice, young couple and I salted the earth in the backyard so that nothing living could grow there for a hundred years. You know why I did that? Because they tried to get me to pay their closing costs."

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