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"5,6,7,8. Step and step up. Just step and step." Schuester spoke the counts as he taught the glee group the new choreography he came up with. "And turn around and down and up." Quinn looked around the group confused as Rachel and Finn struggled to follow the choreo. "And hit, hit. Down, hit." "U-uh, c-could we stop, please?" Rachel finally decided to speak up. Will turned around, "You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel. You can just go." The brunette girl took a step forward. "It's not my bladder. It's the choreography." Mr Schue turned back around to face the group of kids as Y/n eyes moved between Quinn and Rachel, something was up and he was gonna find out. "ok, what's wrong with the choreography?" He asked.

"It sucks." Quinn spoke then Santana. "It's completely unoriginal." "Aren;t you guys gonna get shunned for talking to me?" Rachel asked the two cheerleaders that stood in front of her. 'Sweetie, we're a team now." Quinn spoke, "But you gotta do something about Mr Schue's dance routines.

"We can't compete with Vocal Adrenaline with these steps." She explained. "You're a great vocal coach Mr Schue but, you're not a... trained choreographer." Y/n furrowed his brows as he watched Rachel look over to the blonde cheerleader. "That's what we need to be the best." Mr Schue looked down and licked his lips. "We need Dakota Stanley."

"He's the best show choir choreographer in the midwest. He works with Vocal Adrenaline." Quinn spoke as her and Santana walked along side Rachel. "You can't take regionals without him." Santana spoke next. "He was the understudy to the candelabra in Beauty and the Beast on Broadway." Santana spoke her last word in a sing song voice.

"Just because he understudied doesn't mean he ever preformed." Mr Schue spoke. "Did you ever preform Mr Schuester?" Quinn asked. "After high school, did you even try?" He stayed silent.

Y/n approached Rachel after the bell dismissed them, "What the hell was that?" He questioned as he walked beside her. "You know we don't need a professional to be good, right? And besides with credentials like that, where are you going to get the money to hire him? Because it's going to be expensive." Rachel scoffed instead of giving him a reply so he just walked away.

"Sandy. I thought you weren't allowed on campus." William said as he walked into the teachers lounge. "No, William. I'm not allowed within 50 feet of children. Besides, Henri and I go way back. I got him a job before we even had a shop class. Uh, I told Figgins that you are going to have a school full of nancys unless you get some hot wood in those teenagers' hands." Ken stood up from where he was crouching in front of the fridge. "Here comes Henri." Schuester sighs, "Oh shoot, Terri was supposed to bring a cake." Henri entered the room, gauss wrapped around his hands. "I'm back." He said, holding up his hands.

Schuester– Henri had a little problem with over the counter cough medicine. He ended up cutting off his thumbs. It was a real tragedy.

"I'll never hitchhike across Europe." He said as he set down his coffee mug. "That was a dream man." Schuester nodded as Sandy mouthed something to him. Suddenly one of the workers at Sheets-N-Things walked in to the lounge holding the cake Terri was supposed to bring. "Where's Terri?" Will asked as he walked over with the cake. "Doing inventory. I can't count higher than 30." He set down the cake on the table they where sitting at. They watched as Henri struggled to pick up his fork, eventually deciding to just take a bit out of it. "You know, this is nice." Will spoke leaning back in the plastic chair. "Can't remember the last time I just hung out with the guys... really talked about our feelings." Ken looked over at him, "Wanna know what I'm feeling? I live at YMCA. I only have one pair of long pants." Sandy spoke next, "Oh please, my life is a disaster with no creative outlet other than writing my Desperate Housewives fan fiction." "I'm afraid of my vacuum." Schue moved to lean forward against the table. "I know how you guys feel. I apparently don't know how to dance." Henri blankly stared at him, "I don't have thumbs." Henri began to cry.

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