Dream On

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long story short, I went to stay with my grandparents for thanksgiving, and then my dad died so being his only kid I've been having to make a lot of really important decisions and I've just been super tired.

So here's what you missed last week;

Puck had to shave his mohawk and people started picking on him, so he started dating Mercedes to seem cool again 'cause she was on the Cheerios. But then she quit. Speaking of Cheerios, Y/n started tutoring this one Cheerio, Melody, and she kinda has a thing for him and Quinn kinda hates it. Finn's mom, Carole, is dating Kurt's dad, Burt, which was totally Kurt's idea. But then Kurt got mad that Burt and Finn started hanging out. Rachel hurt her voice and couldn't sing, and she kinda thought that was the only thing important. But then Finn introduced her to a friend who showed her that there's a lot worse things to lose than your voice. And that's what you missed on glee.


Mr Schuester cracked open Principal Figgins's office door, "You wanted to see me?" Figgins stood from his kneeling position behind his desk as he found the file he was looking for. "William, there's someone I'd like to introduce you to. He's the newest member of our school board, and he'd like to speak to you." William entered the room, shutting the glass door behind him as he looked at the strangely familiar man. "Will Schuester, meet Mr Bryan Ryan." Mr Schue gaped as he looked at the familiar face, "We've met." Bryan said as he turned in his chair.

Mr Scuester– Bryan Ryan. We went to school together, and he made my life a living hell. He was two years older, dated every girl I liked, got every solo.

"I'm here to do an audit of our curriculum, Will." Mr Ryan said to explain his presence. "We may need to cut some of our district's art programs," Principal Figgins looked away from Bryan and over to Mr Schuester. "It's really just a formality, William." Mr Ryan looked up from the file he was reading, "No it's not. We'll probably cut the glee club." Mr Schue's eyes widened, "What? But-but you were in the glee club. Show choir was your life." The blonde man tilted his head in reminiscence as he stood from the guest chair, "It was, Will. And after I graduated, I hit the big time. I was a featured soloist at Kings Island in the Doodledly-Doo Musical Review. We were a smash. Then for three years, I did the cruise ship circuit. And when that dried up, I realized I had been sold a bill of goods." Bryan pushed away from the bookshelf he was leaning on, "Nine years later, I woke up on a urine-stained mattress in the West Lima crack district. Then something amazing happened. I was introduced to Jesus."

Figgins placed a hand over his heart at the story. "He was my Honduran social worker. I straightened up, put down the pipe, met the love of my life, Wilma, and now I run a successful used Hummer dealership." Bryan Ryan turned away from Will and sat back in the chair he was previously in as Mr Schue looked at him confused. "Don't make that face. Global warming's a theory. And four nights a week, I run a show choir conversion group. I just wanna have a talk with your kids. Make sure you're not building up their hopes just to have them knocked down." William crossed his arms, "What if I say no?" Principal Figgins leaned on his desk, "Just let him speak to the kids, William. Let Mr Bryan Ryan contribute to the marketplace of ideas. What's the worst that can happen?"

"Ok, guys, listen up." Mr Schuester started unenthusiastically as he pointed to the man behind him, "This is Mr Ryan. He's a member of the school board, and, uh, he would like to say a few words." Mr Schuester turned to take a seat before pivoting back for a few words, "I-I just want you guys to listen critically and know that what he's saying is just one of many opinions." Mr Schuester sighed in anticipation as he sat on a nearby stool. "Take out a piece of paper," Mr Ryan instructed. "And on that paper, I want you to write down your biggest dream. A dream that means so much you're afraid to admit it even to yourself." Y/n stared down to the words on his paper as Mr Ryan walked up to him before sliding over to Artie and ripping the paper out of his journal and throwing it in the trash can. "Your dream is never going to happen. 91 percent of you will spend your entire lives living in Allen County, Ohio."

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